Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie


Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH

+41 44 262 04 68
[email protected]

Froschaugasse 9
8001 Zürich

Eidg. anerkannte Psychotherapeutin

Born 1951 to scientific parents who moved around Switzerland, she developed a passion for scientific research as a child, as a way to honour nature and discover more about the mystery of life. She even won a 1st prize with a research on plant ecology at «la science appelle les jeunes». During her biology studies she came to realize how soul was sorely missing in scientific institutions and nature protection. And became convinced that the environmental crisis is at its root a human psychic problem. Searching inspiration from mystical literature to philosophy of science she came upon Jung and von Franz: their approach was amazingly what she was looking for.

She concentrates her research on the psychic and symbolic dimensions of collective issues and works at introducing this dimension into practical environment protection - especially concerning energy and water, further, predators and other animals, landscape, wilderness, waste, degrowth, dark sky and market globalization - thus building up the field of psychecology. She shares this engagement with her husband Luca Vetterli.

Applying analytical psychology to non-personal themes, she cares for a scientific approach and critical view on its basic tools and insights - like symbolic understanding, amplification, projection, symptoms or neurosis theory.

She is further interested in creativity at large and in creative ways to communicate depth psychological insights. And loves Dante.

1970 Maturité scientifique (high school) in Neuchâtel
1974 Dipl sc.nat ETH Zürich; 1993 ETH
1997 Dipl.analyt.Psychol. C.G.Jung-Institute
Training and supervising analyst at ISAPZURICH

Professional Organizations

Languages Spoken
F / E / I / (Swiss) D

Age Groups

Treatment Types

Dream Interpretation