Basic Jung is a series of lectures taking place the first week of each semester during the late afternoon and early evening sessions. It is designed to be an intensive introduction to basic Jungian concepts and ways of working for new students and guests wanting a concise presentation of Analytical Psychology. Although designed as a series, each course can be attended independently.
As a foundation for this work, we will look at how Jung conceived of the psyche as a rich interplay of conscious, personal and collective unconscious. Although most courses are lectures, on Wednesday all attending will have a chance to discover what symbols are in their own unconscious and the experiential nature of most of our training.
As Jungians, we look to the symbols presented by the unconscious to guide our work as analysts. They can be seen in our complexes and our dreams. Jung’s great work The Red Book depicts his initial work with the symbols presented in his own unconscious. That was the myth that he was living, or that was living him. What is yours?
8–11 September 2020
Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
Christiana Ludwig, MH
01 02 - The Structure of the Soul and the Nature of Psyche
The lecture intends to point out how C. G. Jung developed key conceptual ideas as proposed in CW VII and CW VIII in differentiation from Freud and within the context of his time and of history of ideas.
Nancy Krieger, PhD
07 03 - Things that Go Bump in the Night
Analytical Psychology started with the study of complexes probably because of the strong physical reaction when a complex constellates. It appears and robs consciousness from the ego. Other psychological schools have described this same reaction in similar terms. We will look first at what is a complex, and then how this compares with similar concepts.
Margareta Ehnberg, MSC
04 05 - Working with Images: The House
The house is an important symbol in dreams, drawings and art.
In the first part we look at houses in drawings by children and adults and artists. How do they affect us? What can we learn about the creator of the image? In the second part, participants can create their personal presentation of a house. Material provided.
Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil.
01 08 - The Significance of the Symbol in Analytical Psychology
The symbol is one of the most important basics in Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung. In addition to dreams and active imagination, it allows direct access to the unconscious.
Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA
03 09 - What is the Nature of the Myth You Are Living? Why Do Jungians Study Myths and Fairy Tales?
This lecture explores why Jungians interpret myths and fairy tales and creates a relationship to personal myth. Is personal myth the consequence of your ongoing individuation process? We will take a glimpse at the greater pictures and patterns in universal and individual stories.
Heike Weis Hyder, FMH
10 10 - The Burning Urgency of the Red Book for Psychiatry
We shall be looking at the development of the inner core of the psyche as it unfolds in Jung's Red Book from the viewpoint of psychiatry, in particular the transformation of the ego and other inner figures. Jung's insights into these processes is greatly needed in today's world.
Francisco Garcia, EdM
10 80 - The Alchemical Process of Depression [Part 1 of 2]
Jung’s fascination with alchemical symbolism and the unconscious provides us with the tools to understand our own psychological processes. A path is opened to transform the dark night of soul into a meaningful, enlightening experience. In order to accomplish this, the ego must undergo its own death and rebirth.
Deborah Egger, MSW
01 12 - Working with the Body and the Imagination in the Analytical Process
The transference relationship in analysis is chiefly non verbal, even though we spend the majority of our analytic hours talking. In this course we will be looking at ways to be more aware of the messages from our bodies and our imagination to understand the depth of communication between people.
Payment in cash at the door
The Complete Lecture Series
General Entry: CHF 180
Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 120
Per Lecture
General Entry: CHF 30
Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20
Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
Registration not required
For questions please contact [email protected]
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