The first part of the course will describe common failures and blunders when working with patients. We will then move in the second part of the course to the possibilities for preventing, and learning from, mistakes.
16 Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Diversity is the lot of the manifest world, unity rather a transcendent principle, and complementarity expresses their inherent bond. Pursued in the manifest world, unity imbued with identity supremacism – excluding the different and the opposite – is a dangerous illusion doomed to lead to polarisation if not open warfare. Cultivated instead in the light of complementarity, it generates humanism and authentic creativity; this path requires utmost respect for, and integration of, the other, and self-limitation. Examples from biology, psychology (individuation), politics and dance.
“My works”, Jung writes in his autobiography, “... are fundamentally nothing but attempts, ever renewed, to give an answer to the question of the interplay between the ‘here’ and the ‘hereafter’”. This lecture explores these attempts in Jung’s private and scholarly writings from 1916 to 1934.
What forces are involved and benefit from disinformation and how do those affect the psyche? Does this reflect cultural complexes, or merely personal ones? How does the manipulation of media and information serve autocracy and do a disservice to the differentiation necessary for individuation, either individually or collectively?
This seminar will be dedicated to the practice of Authentic Movement which is a form of active imagination. The conscious-unconscious relationship can be explored across spontaneous and self-directed expression of the body in movement.
Dance/movement as active imagination makes it possible to perceive psyche and body as a unity within which a series of bridges allow for passage and communication between one and the other. Authentic movement explores the inner-directed movement as a way to bridge the realms of conscious and unconscious experience, promoting healing and creative process through individual and collective transformative journeys.
The course will provide an opportunity for participants to share and explore bridges between intrapsychic dynamics and interpersonal relationship to further develop a symbolic perspective, toward developing ongoing awareness of the body/psyche connection as a central clinical tool. Participants can have a practical experience of their own moving imagination in the presence of a witness, as well as enrich their understanding of witnessing.
Participants are requested to wear comfortable clothes, to take off their shoes before entering the room, to bring anti-slip socks, papers and a pen.
14 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
A continued investigation into Jung on the making of Meaning, the current offering is designed for us together to “hold” and process dual (or multiple) aspects of the image Jung ascribed as depicting the archetype of Meaning.
(Part One of a trilogy/tetralogy in the making, I hope in coming semesters to offer in more depth example images from West and East.)
We underestimate the value of complexes at our own peril. In daily life, we are taken aback by them, but rather than dismissing this nigredo reality of everyday psychology, culture and crisis, we will explore how to identify and explore the dimensions of what may contain golden insights.
Historical background and practical application.
** This course has been cancelled. **
In times of chaos an ethical standpoint is pressed more firmly upon us. Collectively and individually, we are called to surrender old ways, and to grow into awareness that gives rise to a different way of living in the world and within ourselves. This process of change begins within and is guided by archetypal movements, reflected in the ‘Spirit of the Depths.’
Using Jung’s constructive standpoint, we will take a snapshot of the current world situation to discern the “living meaning” of these times, with an eye towards “psyche’s bridge to the future.” (CW 3 §398)
Through a combination of lecture, experiential reflective exercises, and group discussion, you will gain tools towards practical application in your personal and professional life, and be shown an active working model for institutional and social change.
This course requires extra work between sessions.
This seminar will look at the intrapsychic dynamics of romantic relationships, using alchemical operations and images as the entry point to understanding how relationships form, how they find stability and how they come apart and together again. This seminar will use relationships as a means of understanding how Jung’s alchemical studies ground themselves in everyday experience. As well, the seminar will take up questions of gender identity and same sex relationships.
30 Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
In his dream seminar in 1928–1930, Jung provided profound insight into his approach to dream analysis, using many dreams as examples. We will read selected passages and discuss them together.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
We quite often encounter dreams, either personal dreams or those of our patients. Perhaps the religious aspect is not our main focus, yet patients from time to time present these dreams. We want to analyse and discuss such dreams in our seminar.
10 Training and Diploma Candidates
Following brief introductory remarks, dreams will be discussed in relation to case work with individuals, looking at solitary dreams and dream series.
** This course replaces the originally-scheduled lecture by Kathrin Asper. **
In the lecture I will explore the use of psychodrama as a means of deepening our experience and understanding of fairytales through enactment. As most fairy tales represent patterns of individuation, fairy tale drama attempts to capture the living quality of those patterns. Through enactment, fairy tales become embodied. They move mind, heart and body, hence are a potential for transformation.
We will examine the archetypal wisdom contained in three tales which exemplify tasks undertaken and possibilities offered in the second half of life. We will explore The Odyssey for its insights into absence and longing in enduring relationships; seek in the myth of Inanna its revelations about dethroning the ego to serve the Self; and look to The Conference of the Birds for its portrayal of risk-taking, courage, and perseverance on the journey of individuation.
** This course has been cancelled. **
Fairy tales portray the puer archetype prevalent in Western Cultures. With its connection to the senex both are indicated for the psychological tasks to leave the family and access the self. Jung said: “The archetype persists throughout the ages and requires interpreting anew” (CW 9i, §301).
Groups will write fairy tale interpretations to present in class.
Required reading:
12 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
We start with wide movements of the brush, try to let the picture guide us so that both unconscious and conscious elements can combine. Bring, if possible, your own brushes and paints (gouache only!).
Premises: Atelier Ruth Bourgogne, Badenerstrasse 173, 8003 Zurich
Fee per person: CHF 50.
6 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The lecture deals with the personal aspects of the child’s becoming aware of pictures (of artists) at the parental home and with the emotions connected with these images. Why was a picture chosen as the favourite one? Elements of how we look at and interpret pictures, biographical and developmental background, as well as working with creative resources will be discussed, including case material.
Die Vorlesung beleuchtet persönliche Aspekte, wie ein Kind Bilder (von Künstler/innen) im Elternhaus wahrnimmt und welche Emotionen damit verbunden sind. Weshalb wurde gerade dieses Bild das Lieblingsbild? Elemente der Betrachtung und Deutung von Bildern, biographische und entwicklungspsychologische Hintergründe sowie Arbeit mit kreativen Ressourcen kommen ebenso zur Sprache wie Fallvignetten.
Participants will be encouraged to share their own examples of favourite pictures. How did they, their clients or other people of their environment become aware of paintings (by artists) at their homes as children or youths? Why were these pictures chosen as favourite ones? Ideas from the lecture can be adapted and creatively applied. Please bring, if possible, pictures, photos or sketches to the seminar.
As a prerequisite, students must have attended my lecture 04 34.
6 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Die Seminarteilnehmenden teilen eigene Beispiele mit der Gruppe, wie sie selber, ihre Klienten oder allenfalls andere Bezugspersonen als Kinder oder Jugendliche Bilder (von Künstler/innen) im Elternhaus wahrgenommen haben. Weshalb wurde dieses spezielle Bild das Lieblingsbild? Leitlinien und Ideen aus der Vorlesung können aufgenommen und kreativ weiterentwickelt werden. Bitte bringen Sie wenn möglich Bilder, Fotos oder Skizzen mit.
Für die Teilnahme wird der Besuch meiner Vorlesung 04 34 vorausgesetzt.
6 ISAP-Studierende (MA, TC, DC)
Dieser Kurs erfordert zusätzliche Arbeit zwischen den Unterrichtsstunden.
In this lecture I will talk about the life of Susan Bach, and then try to bring you a little closer to her book.
We explore the significance of ethnology in analytical psychology. Recommended reading: Chapter IX “Travels” in Jung’s Memories, Dreams, Reflections.
Laurens van der Post passed away 25 years ago in December 1996 at the age of 90.
In this lecture we remember his contribution to Jungian psychology and the importance of his legacy for us today.
Throughout the Christian Middle Ages, religion played a much greater role in the fundamentals of medieval life, in a way now largely lost. Especially for women, the devotion to Christ represented the via regia on which their individuation process might unfold. In her sensuous and even erotic writings, Hadewijch, a well-educated Beguine from Antwerp († ca. 1240), describes her intimate, embodied encounters with Christ as Love-Made-Flesh. Her deep longing for a union with Him—in psychological terms: for wholeness—led her along a path that could, as she put it, “unite the opposites” (mind and body, divine and human, earth and heaven, etc.) and “reverse the paradox” (quoting Hadewijch).
The course concerns questions about mysticism in general. The question I would like to address: Can we identify someone who has mystical experiences as being a mystic, and what is the relevance of such experiences for psychology?
Following the original Gnosis kardias, a knowledge of the heart, rather than the ego-knowledge of the head, I invite you to explore your existence and its purpose through the internal living experience of Jung and Gnosticism.
The lecture will be a reflection on The Divine Comedy by Dante as a second half of life journey to wholeness by the means of active imagination. Comparisons with Jung’s Red Book will be considered as well.
A young woman on pilgrimage gets lost and falls asleep under a tree. At midnight, she awakens in the arms “of the one I love most”. Like the Song of Songs, we can interpret it as a love song or as an allegory of the soul’s mystical awakening. In such an experience, “we catch a glimpse of the ancient role of Hermes as the god of revelation” (Jung, CW 13, § 256). We will listen to the song in a beautiful version by Led Zeppelin bassist John Paul Jones.
This seminar is intended to help those students who will be presenting their Word Association Experiments later this semester. We will review the steps involved in the evaluation of the data, working with the Excel sheet, and the grouping into complexes.
4 Diploma Candidates
Participants must have attended an introductory seminar and administered the WAE. A draft of the WAE report is to be submitted to the course leaders and fellow participants by 1st October. Mutual discussion depends on the experience of each WAE, and allows for revision of the reports.
Studierende, die das WAE-Seminar auf Deutsch absolvieren möchten, mögen sich bitte melden bei:
Katharina Casanova, [email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
The seminar will look into complexes and how they affect our behaviour in our daily life, based on client material. We will discuss how autonomous complexes can be transformed and made less destructive in our relationships with people around us and with ourselves.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course will cover selected sections of CW 17 The Development of Personality and will also contain an overview of other developmental theories by writers such as Melanie Klein, John Bowlby, Donald Winnicott, Erik Erikson, Heinz Kohut, Daniel Stern, Allan Schore and Daniel Siegel.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
We will grapple with the archetypal dimensions of human development and compare these with other developmental theories.
Reading list available in the library.
12 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
We will look at some case vignettes from the point of view of different schools of depth psychology. We will compare their concepts of the unconscious and their approaches to its manifestations (such as dreams and symptoms).
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
I will present a modern approach to psychodynamic concepts and we will discuss their theory and practical relevance in client work.
16 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
** Due to COVID travel restrictions this course has been changed to ZOOM ONLY. Registered students will be sent a Zoom link by email and should plan to attend on their personal devices. **
During the seminar we will explore the work of Otto Kernberg, who is widely known for his psychoanalytic theories on personality organization. His theory is perhaps the most widely accepted among modern Freudian psychoanalysts. There will be an opportunity for students to discuss Kernberg’s theory in light of Jungian ideas.
12 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
We will be looking at the phenomena of fear, anxiety and panic attacks from the point of Analytical Psychology.
The present situation (Covid) has hit us all unexpectedly, constellating new forms and levels of fear and anxiety. Therefore, we are challenged to learn even more about how to be with these occurrences.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
** This course has been cancelled due to health reasons. Apologies for the short notice! **
What does our narcissism have to do with the shadow within us? The shadow contains the uncomfortable, unaccepted sides in us, and confronting the shadow is a difficult process when working with patients. It becomes even more delicate to track down the link with narcissistic behaviour. To compensate for the shadow, we may develop a sort of negative narcissism. The lecture will look at these connections, and at the difference between positive and negative narcissism.
We will review the tremendous advances of recent years in the understanding and treatment of trauma. We will see how psychodynamics, together with brain and nervous system responses, have been elucidated and applied in new therapeutic approaches. Also, knowing that psyche expresses itself in archetypal images, we will examine archetypal parallels to both the psychology and physiology of trauma.
Introduction to the AMDP. Recognising, exploring, naming, understanding, and documenting psychopathological symptoms. The seminar is a preparation for the Propaedeuticum Exam “Fundamentals of Psychiatry and Psychopathology”.
Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Einführung in das AMDP. Erkennen, Explorieren, Benennen, Verstehen und Dokumentieren von psychopathologischen Symptomen.
Das Seminar dient der Vorbereitung auf die Propädeutikums- prüfung „Grundlagen der Psychiatrie und Psychopathologie“.
Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidat/innen
Dieser Kurs erfordert zusätzliche Arbeit zwischen den Unterrichtsstunden.
Sexually intimate behavior between analysts, psychologists, psychotherapists and their clients is a serious problem within psychology and related fields.
Clients are invited to bring their feelings, conflicts and emotions into the analytic setting. The analysis of the transference is actually the work that needs to be undertaken; it is a therapeutic tool that is crucial for understanding an individual’s unconscious. To exploit it by starting a sexual relationship with the client is unethical. It is also a severe betrayal of the client and the psychotherapeutic process, a deep betrayal of trust.
If and when psychotherapists are sexually attracted to clients, their training should enable them to reflect on how to best deal with such situations.
Recommended reading:
Sigmund Freud: Observations on Transference-Love, pp. 157- 172, London: The Hogart Press, Volume XII
A. Guggenbühl-Craig: Power in the Helping Professions, Spring Publications, 1971
12 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
C.G. Jung presented us with a model through which human beings progress on their psychological developmental journeys across the lifespan. We will explore the artistic work of Hilma af Klint, encounter universal motifs, consider the influence of culture and time in her work, and how interior processes are revealed in her art.
We will explore the transformational aspects of trauma and how traumatic experiences can trigger a change in consciousness and guide us towards individuation.
In this lecture we will look at Individuation on the collective level as seen in the West.
Following Jung, we will look at astrological aspects of the Pisces symbol and how the symbol of the Fish has changed since the beginning of the Christian era.
“Falling in love” is not an act of will but rather an impulse or urge from psyche that nudges us along the path to individuation. Whether requited or not the experience has the potential to be transformative. Based, in part, on Jung’s essay in CW 17 “Marriage as a Psychological Relationship”, this lecture will explore the meaning of “falling in love” as a part of individuation.
“Only if you first return to the body, to your earth, can individuation take place” (Jung: Vision Seminars p. 1313-14). We will explore how attuning to the body furthers the individuation process and how objectification of the body hinders this.
** This course has been cancelled. **
Jung wrote only one essay on the father reflecting his absence in Western culture then and now. Clinical examples, the theories of absence of the French psychoanalyst André Green, dreams and the therapeutic relationship illuminate the effects of the absent father on the psyche.
Using various modes of active imagination, we will work with images arising playfully from the unconscious. We will seek to increasingly recognize the expression of inner figures and energies in our psyche and to integrate the insights they offer us. Students are asked to contribute CHF 15 for art materials.
12 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The panelists will address the issue of individuation: is the goal to achieve individual realisation only or also to contribute to community?
The panelists include Dariane Pictet, Nathalie Boëthius-de Béthune, and Paul Brutsche. Moderation: Murray Stein.
Why are we concerning ourselves with personal myth? How does this speak to individuation and living the symbolic life? Our four-semester workshop is designed to create a temenos for psychic transformation. Working with personal myth experientially, we enrich our relationship to the unconscious. Having explored “Beginnings and Ancestral Lines”, in the second workshop we shift to “Youth and Adolescence”.
A commitment to journaling between semesters is strongly encouraged.
12 Training and Diploma Candidates
Theoretical and experiential introduction to the I Ching. Recommended prerequisite: the introductory lecture “The I Ching and Jungian Psychology”, Zoomed lecture March 2020, at ISAP.
10 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The seminar is open to all ISAP candidates, including those who have previously attended it. The aim is to give candidates the tools needed to create the trustful atmosphere necessary for depth work and to avoid potential problems. The essential issues will be presented in the first part of each seminar session followed by role play in the second part.
20 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
Nur für DiplomkandidatInnen. Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr direkt beim Leiter. Sämtliche Änderungen sind in der Verantwortung des Kolloquiumleiters.
For Diploma Candidates only. Registration and payment directly with colloquium leader. Any changes are the responsibility of the colloquium leader.
Weekly meetings at ISAP to be arranged for the semester at our first meeting.
Register: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
Depending on participants’ wishes.
Dates to be arranged at the first meeting at ISAP (room S3).
Diploma Candidates
Nach Wunsch der Teilnehmenden.
Termine werden beim ersten Treffen am ISAP (Raum S3) vereinbart.
Location: Steinbrüchelstr. 64, 8053 Zürich
Registration: +41 (0)44 383 1363
[email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstraße 115
Register directly with: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
Location: Rietstrasse 3, 8712 Stäfa
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
The colloquium is intended to amplify and expand the content of the seminar, and the expectation is that participants will bring clinical case material which can be used to develop the practical use of alchemy in their analytic practices, with individuals and individuals who are in couples. In addition, there will be ample opportunity to discuss practical intrapsychic and interpersonal dynamics in gender non-conforming and same sex relationships.
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115
Register directly with: [email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Everyone has learned the theory of dream interpretation, but within the context of the analytical hour this is only a small part of the practical work. In our colloquium we will be examining what problems the participants face in working with the dreams of their individual clients, the meaning of these problems and the ways in which the participants manage to deal with them.
Please contact me via email at [email protected]
Dates for this online colloquium will be decided together at an online meeting as soon as we have at least 4 participants.
6 Diploma Candidates
Für die detaillierten Bestimmungen siehe das Ausbildungsregulativ Kandidat/innen können sich Minimum 20 bis Maximum 30 Stunden separater und paralleler Ausdruckstherapie auf die reguläre Lehranalyse anrechnen lassen, vorausgesetzt dass Lehranalytiker als auch Analytiker für Ausdruckstherapie informiert sind. Alle angerechneten Stunden dürfen nur bei einem der unten aufgeführten Analytiker und Therapieform absolviert werden.
See the Training Regulations for the detailed provisions: Candidates have the possibility to count a minimum of 20 hours and maximum 30 hours of separate and parallel expressive therapy toward their regular training analysis, provided that both the Training Analyst and the analyst for expressive therapy are informed. All credited hours must be completed with only one of the analysts and with one type of expressive therapy, as listed below.
** This course has been cancelled. **
In this weekend workshop participants will have the opportunity to practice this work with small objects, which allows for an emotionally and resource oriented approach to the unconscious. Please bring some of your own small objects. Participants must be in analysis.
This weekend counts for 10 hours in expressive therapy. An additional 10 hours will be offered next semester to meet the minimum requirement of 20 analytical hours.
We work at my practice on Freiestrasse 120, 8032 Zurich.
Please contact Joanne Wieland-Burston by mail at [email protected]
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
Maria Anna Bernasconi
Expressive Arts Therapy (ISIS)
Kunst- und Ausdrucksorientierte Psychotherapie (ISIS)
Marco Della Chiesa
John Hill
Fairy Tale Enactment, Psychodrama
Märcheninszenierung, Psychodrama
Verena Osterwalder-Bollag
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Christa Robinson
Group Processes Using the I Ching
Gruppenprozesse mit dem I Ging
Erhard Trittibach
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Joanne Wieland-Burston
Active Imagining with Objects
Aktives Imaginieren mit Gegenständen