Basic literature
C.G. Jung
Aion. JCE9/II
“Christ, a Symbol of the Self”.
CW 11
Psychology and Religion: West and East. JCE11
“Psychology and Religion”.
“Answer to Job”.
“Forward to Suzuki’s Introduction to Zen Buddhism”.
“The Psychology of Eastern Meditation”.
“Forward to the I Ching”.
CW 12
Psychology and Alchemy. JCE12
“Introduction to the Religious and Psychological Problems of Alchemy”.
Other Jungian publications
Casement, A.,
Tacey, D.
The Idea of the Numinous: Contemporary Jungian and Psychoanalytic Perspectives. London: Routledge, 2006. PA305
Franz, M.-L. v.
The Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man. Boston: Shambhala, 1992. PA-Fa13E
Archetypal Dimensions of the Psyche. Boston: Shambhala, 1997. PA-Fa9E
Chapter: “The Unknown Visitor in Fairy Tales and Dreams”;
Chapter: “Nike and the Waters of the Styx”.
The Passion of Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of Her Visions. Toronto: Inner City, 2004. PA-Fa24E
Niklaus von Flüe and Saint Perpetua: A Psychological Interpretation of Their Visions. Collected Works of Marie-Louise von Franz, Volume 6. Asheville, N.C.: Chiron, 2022. PA-FaCW6
Eliade, M.
History of Religious Ideas. 3 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978-1988. XR2:1-3
Lammers, A.,
Cunningham, A.
The Jung-White Letters. London: Routledge, 2007. JCE-L4
Neumann, E.
Amor and Psyche: The Psychic Development of the Feminine. New York: Princeton University Press, 1971. PA-N2E
Otto, R.
The Idea of the Holy: An Inquiry into the Non-Rational Factor in the Idea of the Divine and its Relation to the Rational. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. RC1E
Schweizer, A.
The Sungod’s Journey Through the Netherworld: Reading the Ancient Egyptian Amduat. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2010. PA-Sz2E
Solomon, H.M.
The Self in Transformation. London: Karnac, 2007. PA255
Stein, M.
Jung’s Treatment of Christianity: The Psychotherapy of a Religious Tradition. Wilmette: Chiron Publications, 1985. PA-St6
Non-Jungian publications
Corbin, H.
Alone with the Alone. Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn ‘Arabi. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998. RI2
Edinger, E.
The Transformation of the God-Image: An Elucidation of Jung´s Answer to Job. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1992. PA-Ed12
Eliade, M.
History of Religious Ideas. 3 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978-1988. XR2:1-3
Perera, S.B.
Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Woman. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1989. PA56E
Further literature
Hornung, E.
Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982. RA33E
Kluger, R.S.
Psyche in Scripture: The Idea of the Chosen People and Other Essays. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1995. PA138
Satan in the Old Testament. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1967. RJ23
Kerényi, K.
The Religion of the Greeks and Romans. London: Thames and Hudson, 1962. GG58
Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996. GG9E
MacCulloch, D.
Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years. London: Penguin, 2010. RC67
Perera, S.B.
Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Woman. Toronto: Inner City Books, 1989. PA56E
Schimmel, A.
Mystical Dimensions of Islam. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993. RI3E
Scholem, G.
Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism. New York: Schoken, 1995. RJ2E
Suzuki, D.T.
An Introduction to Zen Buddhism. New York: Grove Press 1994. RB4E
Zimmer, H.
Philosophies of India. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969. RH17