This introductory course will review the analytic process looking specifically at what happens during the analytic session; what we do and what we do not do. We will look at how central the transcendent function is to the process and how it influences the knowledge and skills needed to work as an Analytical Psychologist.
A basic component of the therapeutic relationship is the process of transference and countertransference. Invisible factors evoke a mutual transformation. Analysts can be unconsciously affected by their patients; this is important for the diagnostic process. All transference projections, linked to personal experience, can activate the analyst’s countertransference. This joint creation of patient and analyst will be discussed.
The analytic process is essentially dialectical. The analysand needs the “Other (analyst)” in order to become more conscious. Depth psychology was founded on observation of the Western psyche. Just as one becomes conscious of oneself through the encounter with the Other, the analytical relationship can also be explored and illuminated from the perspective of a non-Western psyche.
Jung’s notion of the Self as the center of the psyche orients any psychotherapeutic activity away from an exclusive emphasis upon ego solutions and towards a relationship with the deepest aspect of the patient’s inner being or “soul”. Jungian analysis is a dynamic interplay between the demands of the outer and inner worlds, enacted in the analytic field between analyst and analysand.
A lecture dealing with the history of transference and counter-transference, both Freudian and Jungian, with vignettes on defence, projective-identification, mutual transference and archetypal transference.
Jungian psychology applies to a wide range of topics and challenges. This lecture will concentrate on the ideas which have proven to be helpful to understand and guide a therapeutic process.
In contrast to the information conveyed by Jung’s paintings and illustrations in The Red Book, the language and ideas contained in his reflections offer us a means for observing the development of his psychological thinking after his break with Freud. This seminar will also examine Jung’s analyses in “The Psychology of the Unconscious” (1912), comparing and contrasting them with the insights he acquired from his “encounter with the unconscious”.
Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
** This course has been postponed until Spring Semester 2024. **
Synergies between Jungian psychology, systems dynamics, Gaia theory, dual-aspect monism and deep ecology can prepare us to face the existential threat of the Anthropocene. The resulting transition from development to individuation in our personal psychology translates into an urgently needed metanoia away from our collective ecocidal anthropocentrism and denial through nostalgia, inertia and hubris. The resulting consilience lays the foundations of a radically different worldview with which to address global heating, the sixth mass extinction, and other unprecedented challenges of our time.
The ‘as-if’ person faces a conundrum to hide or expose the truth of who they are. Feelings of loss, curtailment, and alienation are prevalent yet concealed with glitzy ego, persona/imposter images. Intimacy and emotional presence are difficult. Those living ‘as-if’ are estranged from their true selves, hiding the shadow at the cost of their desires. There is a haunting sense of a lack of authenticity. Existence is singular. Very possibly we know these struggles as they are part of us.
How do we see the other if we do not see ourself? The myth of Narcissus reveals the inner conflict and psychological distress of narcissists. The complexity beyond the ego/persona reveals lack of self-love seen in dreams and misattunements in relationships influenced from early parental absence. Subjects include aging, the influence of social media, and perfect body image. The unconscious incorporates the dissociated personality parts in the self, reflecting the multiplicity of the psyche.
This seminar aims to explore psychological themes through the visual narrative structures of selected films. This semester we will focus on a rather regular therapy theme: Shame. We will use three films to discuss the personal and archetypal patterns of shame through the eye of the camera.
The films will be shown at ISAP and will be followed by a discussion led by the presenters. We wish to provide the opportunity of the collective experience of viewing a film together followed by the chance to share ideas and impressions.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
The concept of the Anima is occasionally criticized today as an old-fashioned term which should no longer be used. In The Red Book the unfolding relationship with the Anima demonstrates the importance and ’pragmatic help’ of this ’dimension’ to grow into a real, healing and loving connection with the Soul and life. Contemporary case material will illustrate the relevance of the concept today.
For 3,000 years, Scylla and Charybdis have symbolized a polarity of dangers to safe navigation and served as a metaphoric warning for humankind. The voracious six-headed monster ashore contrasts with an abysmal whirlpool of annihilation. How can we witness these twin archetypes of destruction which threaten individuals and species alike even now?
Does safe passage between certain death of some, or extinction of all, even exist in current environmental and existential crises, political and social chaos? Or, is living with death essential for psychological initiation and maturation now, as it always has been?
Introduction and review
16 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Groups will write fairy tale interpretations to present in class.
Required Reading:
M.L. von Franz: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairy Tales
Max Lüthi: Once Upon a Time: On the Nature of Fairy Tales
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
The Holy Grail and its quest is an archetypal story that has had a powerful impact on our civilization. Perhaps now, more than ever, we need to understand the rich legacy of this myth and its relationship to the individuation process. We will be using the medieval Chrétien de Troyes version with Perceval as its protagonist.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
What does the tree symbolize? We will look at fairy tales and myths from around the world as well as C.G. Jung’s and M.-L. von Franz’s writings on the symbol of the tree, from Cinderella to the world tree.
In the context of the Indo-European cultures, the lectures offer an overview of Germanic mythology, focusing on the old Germanic world view, the creation of the world, the dawn of gods and the psychological role of some of the most significant gods and goddesses. Much of what is called modernity is based on old Germanic culture and mythology. Connecting with hidden roots is an essential aspect of individuation. Particular attention will be given to female characters in Germanic mythology.
What is the basic attitude and understanding when interpreting pictures through the lens of a Jungian analyst? We will look at individual pictures as well as series to see what they may reveal. How is drawing pictures incorporated into the analytical setting?
Get to know the ISAPZURICH Picture Collection. The purpose of the Picture Collection is the creation of an anonymized picture collection and database of material from clients who have been in analysis with a therapist or analyst trained in the tradition of C.G. Jung’s analytical psychology. The aim, in addition to securing the artistic creations in both material and electronic form, is to make such valuable material available to ISAPZURICH analysts and students for learning, teaching and research purposes.
The tree drawing is a way to invite the unconscious into the analytic setting by asking the analysand to draw a tree (not a needle tree). The theory, based on empirical research, will be presented. Thereafter, we will practice interpreting such drawings focusing on the attitude of the analyst.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The Eranos Conferences, now celebrating their 90th year (1933–2023), contributed to the development of C.G. Jung’s thought and the spread of Analytical Psychology. The visionary art of Eranos founder, Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn, derived in part from the practice of active imagination and increasingly the subject of interest by the international art world, admirably documents the close connection between her individuation process and her cultural work, the Eranos.
This event is off-site at Foyer St. Anton, Zürich. Details about the "Eranos" Live event can be found here.
We will discuss some pictures from a series to show the psychic progress of a patient. I will bring case examples. Please bring your own drawing material (colours and paper).
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
Pictures have a healing effect. They are symbols with a subjective meaning. One important aspect is the way in which a sense of space is projected onto the medium. What emerges is something like a map of the current psychic state. We will examine different aspects of the spatial composition and their meaning in pictures, in works, by both, artists and clients.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
** This course has been cancelled. **
Through looking at the Greek myth of silent Philomela and her transformation, this lecture explores the connection with the dark feminine and using one’s own voice in the redemption of trauma.
This lecture will deal with Robert Fludd’s concept of the world as a musical cosmos, his controversy with Johannes Kepler and the disenchantment of the world; Jung’s concept of synchronicity as re-enchantment of the world; the role of synchronicity and divination in indigenous African healing systems.
We will explore to what extent our identity, attitudes, and expectations are embedded in our culture, and how encounters with other cultures may surprise us, open our eyes, stimulate our curiosity, and impact our sense of self. What can we learn and how may we use our experience of diverse traditions, norms, and values to expand and enhance our journey to the Self?
The course will discuss the cumulative trauma of a totalitarian regime that had the power to transmit echoes across generations. People whose voices had been silenced transmitted to their children fear, combined with a lack of hope, that they would never amount to anything themselves. Through the case studies presented, I illustrate the type of effects that such trauma can have on both parents and children who live in continuous confusion about what constitutes violence and what does not, what is acceptable and what is not, what identity means and at what cost.
“Music should be an essential part of every analysis. Music reaches the deep archetypal material that we only sometimes reach in our own work with patients.” C.G. Jung Speaking, p. 275.
The theme of this lecture is the artistic, therapeutic and transpersonal dimensions of sound, song and music. We learn to perceive psychological meaning in sounds and also the art of listening from a deeper place. When we pay attention to each subtle sound of psyche, we become witnesses to the unconscious in action. A short film on the mythology of song, filmed in the mountains of Greece, will serve as an introduction.
Remembrance of the dead is a universal practice. The lecture will examine various collective practices and discuss their psychological implications and relevance.
Some forms of literature in particular offer experience of the liminal; they are potentially helpful for our work as analysts as we must be prepared to sit patiently, humbly, yet confidently, with uncertainty. Using primarily parables from various religious and cultural traditions, we will explore the transformation that can occur upon relinquishing the insistence of the ego standpoint and allow for deeper listening. The emergence of image and symbol lead to revitalised perception.
12 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
This seminar is intended to help those students who will be presenting their Word Association Experiments later this semester. Come with questions. We will concentrate on the subjects you want. These could include the steps involved in the evaluation of the data, working with the Excel sheet, and the grouping into complexes.
Diploma Candidates
** This course has been cancelled. **
In the analytic setting an encounter with cultural trauma is intertwined with the patient’s personal history and traumas, shadow dynamics as well as with the cultural complexes of both participants. The transference and countertransference are also culturally influenced. The seminar participants will be invited to look at various meanings and images that an analyst from another culture may represent for their patients. Multicultural therapy as a patient’s unconscious choice will be explored. The peculiarities of speaking a second language will be discussed with special attention to the transference and countertransference.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
Jung saw alchemy as a process of physical and spiritual transformation (CW XIII, §139–40). What about the work with the lowly complex? Through a pictorial review of the processes of classical alchemy we will question to what extent the archetypal images depicted by this process can be applied to the analytic work with complexes.
** This course will now meet only on 19 October. **
Participants must have attended an introductory seminar and administered the WAE. A draft of the WAE report is to be submitted to the course leaders and fellow participants by 1st Oct. Mutual discussion deepens the experience of each WAE and allows for revision of the reports. Studierende, die das A.E. Seminar auf Deutsch absolvieren möchten, mögen sich bitte melden bei:
Katharina Casanova, [email protected]
Diploma Candidates
Some questions we will be pondering include: What purposes do these two systems of human relatedness serve in analysis? Why are discernment between and the overlap of them both important? How do they serve our own understanding of ourselves as well as that of our clients?
The course focuses on how to work with children and young adolescents suffering from anxiety, stress and bullying at school. It will present theoretical considerations of developmental stages as well as a methodology for treatment. It will also provide insights on how to relate to the child’s parents.
We will examine the challenges and developmental tasks asked of us by the Self when facing the end of life. What would “dying well” look like? How may we come to peace with leaving our lived and unlived lives?
We will look at the development of Jung’s writings on neurosis in light of the psychodynamic relationship between consciousness and unconsciousness.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
An investigation into the history, symptoms and resulting cascade of physical effects set in motion by sustained deep suffering and resulting archaic defenses. Prerequisite for my trauma seminar in the next semester.
J.L. Herman: Trauma and Recovery, 2015; B. van der Kolk: The Body Keeps the Score.
Working with ICD-10 and ICD-11, using paintings of psychiatric in-patients.
Preparation for Psychiatry Diploma Exam.
Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Diagnostische und differentialdiagnostische Annäherung nach ICD-10 und ICD-11 anhand von Fallvignetten und Bildern und Bildserien stationärer Psychiatrie-Patientinnen und -Patienten.
Dieser Kurs erfordert zusätzliche Arbeit zwischen den Unterrichtsstunden.
Calatonia—a form of subtle bodywork—was created by Dr. Sandor Petho after WW II. It can be a very helpful psychotherapeutic tool. We use subtle and respectful touch on the toes, hands, knees, shoulders etc. for about 15 to 20 minutes. This helps our clients to relax and to talk about whatever the problem is. I offer experiential seminars because it is difficult to describe subtle psychological/body shifts. Results are clear after a few sessions.
Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a yoga mat (some available at ISAP) or sleeping bag.
16 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The panel will speak on the topic of individuation and synchronicity followed by discussion with the audience.
The I Ching is the oldest book of wisdom that has survived until today and is still widely used in the East. This weekend seminar will tell you something about how the I Ching can be accessed as a Westerner, how to formulate a question and how to understand its answers.
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
A two day seminar offering an opportunity to experience various modes of active imagination and encounter unprocessed affects, healing images, new insights, and creative energies. Participants are asked to bring lunch and contribute CHF 15 for art materials.
8 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
The method of active imagination as Jung practiced it in The Red Book is introduced using elements from Michael Harner’s core shamanism; this approach is similar to Jung’s active imagination. This allows participants to discover and enter into relationship with a rich inner world, with its landscapes and helpful figures, such as animals and guides.
12 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
In every family there are taboos and family secrets. But despite the silence, they are passed on to the following generations: the children and those born later feel them intuitively. Unprocessed psychological trauma can be passed on to the offspring in different forms with different effects; this can also be genetically detectable. Those affected often suffer from vague fears, depression or a loss of trust. Possibilities of knowing, processing and healing will be discussed on the basis of examples.
** This course has been cancelled. **
This weekend seminar is meant for students who have participated in the introductory seminar and want to deepen their experience with the Eranos I Ching.
The seminar takes place in Neumarkt 21, 8001 Zürich.
6 Training and Diploma Candidates
A clinical case of a 12 year therapy demonstrating the evolution of the soul out of trauma towards a differentiated personality capable of forgiveness and reintegration in life. A series of dreams and pictures will be shown.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
We seem to be moving from crisis to crisis and looming over all is the climate crisis, threatening extinction on many levels. Through hope we enter a new dimension of time. Despair tells us that nothing will change; one can only expect more of the same. Hope can help us transcend those moments of suffering and restore the temporal dimensions of our human existence.
This lecture examines the give and take in the analytic discourse and what is revealed in the interactions between analyst and analysand.
The seminar is open to all Training and Diploma Candidates, including those who have previously attended. The aim is to give the candidates the tools to create the trustful atmosphere necessary for in-depth work and to avoid potential problems. A theoretical introduction will be followed by role play.
20 Training and Diploma Candidates
In each session two training analysts use one case vignette to show their considerations in working with the client, with a special focus on transference/countertransference. With: U.Ulmer, J.Savage, K.Casanova, K.Asper, I.Berkenbusch, P.Brutsche
16 Training and Diploma Candidates
Case formulation is a theoretically based hypothesis about the etiology, diagnosis, and evolving treatment directions of any case from its initial session to its termination. This class will focus on the unique characteristics of case formulation in a Jungian analysis, focusing upon methods which facilitate a deeper relationship with the Self within the context of developmental considerations.
Training and Diploma Candidates
CIPBS (Conflict, Imagination, Painting and Bilateral Stimulation) is a creative technique developed by C. Diegelmann for gentle conflict or trauma processing. A stressful situation will be transformed into a symbolic form, and will be processed step-by-step with tapping and the help of the unconscious.
In this experiential seminar we will learn the technique and have the opportunity to practice it in small groups. This creative tool can easily be integrated in the analytical process.
10 Training and Diploma Candidates
For Diploma Candidates only. Registration and payment directly with colloquium leader. At least four registrations are required for a colloquium to take place. Colloquia are not shown in the calendar as timing is either unspecified or subject to change. Any changes are the responsibility of the colloquium leader.
Nur für Diplomkandidat/innen. Anmeldung und Bezahlung direkt bei der Kolloquiumsleitung. Mindestens vier Anmeldungen sind erforderlich, damit ein Kolloquium stattfinden kann. Kolloquien werden nicht im Kalender aufgeführt, da die genauenTermine noch offen bzw. Änderungen vorbehalten sind. Alle Änderungen unterliegen der Verantwortung der Kolloquiumsleitung.
Weekly meetings at ISAP. At our first meeting, dates for the semester will be arranged at mutually agreed upon times.
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115, S3
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
This colloquium will concentrate on the initial frame of the analysis, considerations of important factors in establishing a frame that fits the analyst and analysand, and the dramas that emerge in the transference- countertransference dynamics of establishing a frame.
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115, S3
Registration: [email protected]
Diploma Candidates
Case colloquium from a developmental psychology and/or early trauma perspective.
Location: Zypressenstrasse 41, 8003 Zürich
Registration: [email protected]
5 Diploma Candidates
The colloquium will provide the candidates experience of the Balint intervision method.
Location: Steinbrüchelstrasse 64, 8053 Zürich
Registration: [email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
Starting with the initial dream, the presenter will lead the group in understanding the analytical development through the dream material.
Location: Zeltweg 11, 8032 Zurich
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Case Colloquium with emphasis on dreams
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115, S3
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
This colloquium will help to develop the skills necessary for making an initial assessment of new cases. Emphasis will be on the diagnosis of presenting symptoms and problems, personal and family histories, developmental considerations, and relational dynamics in the early phases of an analysis.
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115, S3
Registration: [email protected]
10 Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Ongoing colloquium. Date and time will be decided upon agreement with the participants
Location: Ottenweg 11, 8008 Zürich
Registration: [email protected]
Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Fortlaufendes Kolloquium. Daten und Zeiten werden nach Absprache mit den registrierten Teilnehmern festgelegt.
Ort: Ottenweg 11, 8008 Zürich
Registrierung: [email protected]
Dieser Kurs erfordert zusätzliche Arbeit zwischen den Unterrichtsstunden.
See the Training Regulations for the detailed provisions: Candidates have the possibility to count a minimum of 20 hours and maximum 30 hours of separate and parallel expressive therapy toward their regular training analysis, provided that both the Training Analyst and the analyst for expressive therapy are informed. All credited hours must be completed with only one of the analysts and with one type of expressive therapy, as listed below. Expressive Therapy courses are not shown in the calendar as timing is either unspecified or subject to change. Any changes are the responsibility of the Expressive Therapy leader.
Für die detaillierten Bestimmungen siehe das Ausbildungsregulativ Kandidat/innen können sich minimal 20 bis maximal 30 Stunden separater und paralleler Ausdruckstherapie auf die reguläre Lehranalyse anrechnen lassen, vorausgesetzt dass sowohl der/die Lehranalytiker/in als auch der/die Analytiker/in für Ausdruckstherapie informiert sind. Alle angerechneten Stunden dürfen nur bei einem/r der unten aufgeführten Analytiker/innen und Therapieformen absolviert werden. Kurse in Ausdruckstherapie werden nicht im Kalender aufgeführt, da die genauen Termine noch offen bzw. Änderungen vorbehalten sind. Alle Änderungen unterliegen der Verantwortung der Ausdruckstherapie-Leitung.
Maria Anna Bernasconi
Expressive Arts Therapy (ISIS)
Kunst- und Ausdrucksorientierte Psychotherapie (ISIS)
Marco Della Chiesa
Verena Osterwalder-Bollag
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Christa Robinson
Group Processes Using the I Ching
Gruppenprozesse mit dem I Ging
Erhard Trittibach
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Joanne Wieland-Burston
Active Imagining with Objects
Aktives Imaginieren mit Gegenständen