International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

The 2023 Zurich Lecture Series
Keiron Le Grice, PhD

Archetypal Astrology and Alchemy as a Guide to Psychospiritual Transformation

Astrology was of lifelong interest to C.G. Jung, both professionally and personally. He employed it as an aid to his analytical work with his patients, and saw it as the “sum of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.” The burgeoning interest in the field in the late nineteenth century and beyond was a compensatory response, Jung thought, to the rationality championed after the Enlightenment and to the decline of religion in the modern Western world. For astrology offers something the modern age is sorely lacking: the sense of participation in a cosmic order, in which individual lives—even the intimate depths of our personal experience—are meaningfully related to the universe at large, mapped by the shifting cycles and configurations of the planets.

Over the last thirty years, my work has helped to establish and develop an archetypal approach to astrology. At the same time, I have been especially interested in understanding experiences of deep psychospiritual transformation in the context of the evolution of consciousness and civilization. In this series of lectures, these two areas of interest are brought together. In the accompanying book, The Lion Will Become Man, I share details of my own experience of a period of psychological crisis and transition, which I approach chiefly through a Jungian understanding of alchemy. In the lectures, in reference to the book, I will then explain how one might use astrology to illuminate experiences of psychological transformation. The overarching aim is to convey something of the potential value of archetypal astrology as a cosmological perspective that can offer a source of mythic and psychological orientation for our lives.

Date & Venue

27–30 September, 2023 | Zurich, Switzerland

Reception, Apéro, and Lecture:
1. Ego-death and Evolution—from Sublimatio to Nigredo
Zunfthaus zur Schmiden
Marktgasse 20, 8001 Zurich

The opening lecture and dinner on Wednesday, 27 September will be held at the “Zunfthaus zur Schmiden” (Guild House for Blacksmiths), a beautiful city palace located since 1412 at Marktgasse 20, close to the Limmat River in the heart of old Zurich. The sumptuous late-Gothic Guildhall and the historic rooms with style, warm hospitality and tradition will make you feel welcome. It is a special privilege to celebrate the Zurich Lecture Series at this grand location.


2. Archetypal Astrology and Individuation
3. Neptune:
Solutio and the Night-sea Journey
4. Pluto:
Calcinatio, Mercurius, and the Underworld
5. The Metamorphosis of the Gods: Astrological Transit Cycles and the Regeneration of Myth
Lavatersaal at St. Peter's Church
St. Peterhofstatt 6, 8001 Zurich

More lectures will follow on Thursday, 28 September at Lavaterhaus, located near St. Peter's Church. Lavaterhaus at its core consists of two medieval buildings, probably constructed in the 13th century. In 1922 they were joined to form the parish hall St. Peter, and in 1959 the building was renovated to have fewer, larger rooms and given a new facade. In 2016 Lavaterhaus was further renovated and made available for public events and meetings. The house is named after Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741–1801), a good friend of Goethe's and whom Goethe visited several times at this location.

2023 ZLS Speaker

Keiron Le Grice, PhD

Keiron Le Grice is a professor of depth psychology in the Jungian and Archetypal Studies specialization at Pacifica Graduate Institute, California, where for many years he has taught courses on a range of topics including archetypes, individuation, alchemy, synchronicity, and astrology. He also serves as an honorary lecturer in the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex.

Originally from Nottinghamshire, England, he was educated at the University of Leeds and the California Institute of Integral Studies (M.A., Ph.D., Philosophy and Religion). He is the author of several books including The Archetypal Cosmos, The Rebirth of the Hero, and The Way of the Archetypes. The co-editor of Jung on Astrology, a compilation of Jung’s writings on this topic, he is the founder and former co-editor of Archai: The Journal of Archetypal Cosmology, now serving as senior editorial advisor. In 2016, with colleagues he established the Institute of Transpersonal and Archetypal Studies (ITAS) and later the associated publishing wing, ITAS Publications.

Event Schedule

Wednesday, 27 September (Zunfthaus zur Schmiden)


Reception & Apéro


1. Ego-death and Evolution—from
Sublimatio to Nigredo



Thursday, 28 September (Lavatersaal at St. Peter's Church)


2. Archetypal Astrology and Individuation
3. Neptune:
Solutio and the Night-sea Journey


Light Lunch


4. Pluto: Calcinatio, Mercurius, and the Underworld
5. The Metamorphosis of the Gods: Astrological Transit Cycles and the Regeneration of Myth

Cost & Registration

Two-day ticket
ZLS 2023 (27–28 September, dinner and light lunch included)

Standard Attendance: CHF 280
AGAP members / ISAP participants, staff, and consultants: CHF 200
ISAP Students: CHF 110
Two-day ticket includes a free copy of the ZLS 2023 book!

ZLS 2023 (27 September only, dinner included)
Standard Attendance: CHF 200
AGAP members / ISAP participants, staff, and consultants: CHF 150
ISAP Students: CHF 90

ZLS 2023 (28 September only, light lunch included)
Standard Attendance: CHF 140
AGAP members / ISAP participants, staff, and consultants: CHF 100
ISAP Students: CHF 60

Final Registration Deadline: September 20, 2023

About the Zurich Lecture Series

The ZLS was established in 2009 for the purpose of presenting annually a significant new work by a selected Jungian psychoanalyst or scholar who has previously offered innovative contributions to the field of Analytical Psychology by either: bringing analytical a psychology into meaningful dialogue with other scientific, artistic, and academic disciplines; showing how analytical psychology can lead to a better understanding of contemporary global concerns relating to the environment, politics, religion; or expanding the concepts of analytical psychology as they are applied clinically. For the Series the selected lecturer delivers lectures over a two-day period in Zürich based on a previously unpublished book-length work, which is then published by Chiron Publications.

Postlude to the Zurich Lecture Series 2023

You are invited to participate in a day of Postlude lectures following ZLS at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich.

Postlude Lectures

Friday, 29 September 2023


Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof


11 22 Open Seminar | Panel: "Individuation and Synchronicity: Personal and Cultural Dimensions," with Murray Stein, PhD (chair), Ann Chia-Yi Li, MA, John Desteian, DPsy, Bernard Sartorius, lic. theol., and Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH
The panel will speak on the topic of individuation and synchronicity, followed by discussion with the audience.


Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
05 23 Lecture | In Search of the Re-enchanted World - From Fludd and Kepler to Jung and Pauli and Beyond: About Synchronicity and Divinatory Techniques
This lecture will deal with Robert Fludd's concept of the world as a musical cosmos, his controversy with Johannes Kepler and the disenchantment of the world; Jung's concept of synchronicity as re-enchantment of the world; the role of synchronicity and divination in indigenous African healing systems.


Nancy Krieger, PhD
07 24 Lecture | Practical Alchemy: The Alchemical Process Applied to the Work with Complexes
Jung saw alchemy as a process of physical and spiritual transformation (CW XIII, §139-40). What about the work with the lowly complex? Through a pictorial review of the processes of classical alchemy we will question to what extent the archetypal images depicted by this process can be applied to the analytic work with complexes.

Per Lecture Fee
General Entry: CHF 30
Students & Over 65: CHF 20
Refugees attending on-site: CHF 10 (proof of official refugee status must be shown on-site for discount)

Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts

ISAP Students will receive credit for on-site lecture attendance

For questions please contact
[email protected]

Excursion: Guided Tour of the Haus C.G. Jung Museum
Excursion Coordinator: Kathrin Schaeppi

Saturday, 30 September, 10:00–11:00


Tour of the Haus C.G. Jung Museum
Limited to 5–12 people

Fee for excursion:
- CHF 35.- per person for tour + gratuity for tour guides
- Round trip train travel to / from Küsnacht not included

Registrants will be contacted with further details


File NameTypePermissionsChanged DateDateSize
Postlude 2023 Flyer pdf 0644 2023051205310112-May-2023 05:31 2023051205201612-May-2023 05:20 35 KB Preview Download
ZLS 2023 Flyer pdf 0644 2023020906141809-Feb-2023 06:14 2023020705495207-Feb-2023 05:49 42 KB Preview Download