The Prelude offers a space between the closing of the Spring Semester and the start of the Jungian Odyssey. A special time for Odyssey guests to experience time at ISAP in Zurich before leaving for the Jungian Odyssey.
All Prelude lectures will be on-site and broadcast live on Zoom. See our Zoom Lectures page for details.
21–24 May 2024
Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. phil.
08 69 Lecture | The Formative Years? An Archetypical View on Education [Part 1 of 2]
In this lecture I will present the core ideas in education and present an archetypical view on childhood and the schoolyears.
Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. phil.
08 69 Lecture | The Formative Years? An Archetypical View on Education [Part 2 of 2]
In this lecture I will present the core ideas in education and present an archetypical view on childhood and the schoolyears.
John Desteian, JD, DPsy
03 70 Lecture | Godfather Death
This lecture will interpret the Grimm Brother’s fairy tale “Godfather Death” in the context of the analytic relationship of transference and counter-transference, with amplifications from alchemy, mythology and other fairy tales.
Spring Excursion: Visit to the House C.G. Jung in Küsnacht and Guided Tour
Excursion leader: Kathrin Schaeppi, MFA, MS, MLA
Registration required by 20 April, 2024
Meet at 8:45 at Zürich main station under the figure of the blue angel.
Andreas Schweizer, Dr. theol.
06 71 Lecture | “Giving full expression to nature is a constant violation of nature” (C.G. Jung, Letters to Hedy Wyss, p. 53) [Part 1 of 2] - Schweizer
This lecture provides an introduction to C.G. Jung’s letters to the artist and analysand Hedy Wyss, a unique testimony to his sparkling spirit; it was first published in 2023. Here we see the compassionate and deeply human side of Jung. He writes neither scientifically nor cautiously, but quite spontaneously. He mentions his suffering from various physical ailments. At the same time he struggles to maintain the integrity of the analytical relationship and the veracity of love. See: C.G. Jung: Letters to Hedy Wyss 1936 – 1956. Edited and with a Commentary by Andreas Schweizer, Daimon, 2023.
Penelope Yungblut, MA
11 72 Lecture | Living a Creative Life
Jung encourages us to make of our life something creative. We will explore what that might look like. What would be asked of us? What are the hallmarks and examples of such a life? How can creativity in life be nurtured?
Phil Goss, PhD
01 73 Lecture | Anima and Animus as Gendered Soul: Identity, Diversity and Plurality in the Consulting Room and in Daily Life
We will consider the evolving relevance of Jung’s contrasexual formulation. In particular, we will address the challenge of marrying Jung’s initial discovery of the gendered soul to the flowering of plurality in contemporary presentations of sexuality and gender. Using an energic model for understanding the subtle workings of anima and animus, we can better work with clinical presentations as well as deal with interpersonal and intrapsychic dynamics in daily life.
Goss, P. (2010) Men, Women and Relationships: A Post- Jungian Approach, Hove, Routledge.
Andreas Schweizer, Dr. theol.
06 71 Lecture | “Giving full expression to nature is a constant violation of nature” (C.G. Jung, Letters to Hedy Wyss, p. 53) [Part 2 of 2] - Schweizer
This lecture provides an introduction to C.G. Jung’s letters to the artist and analysand Hedy Wyss, a unique testimony to his sparkling spirit; it was first published in 2023. Here we see the compassionate and deeply human side of Jung. He writes neither scientifically nor cautiously, but quite spontaneously. He mentions his suffering from various physical ailments. At the same time he struggles to maintain the integrity of the analytical relationship and the veracity of love. See: C.G. Jung: Letters to Hedy Wyss 1936 – 1956. Edited and with a Commentary by Andreas Schweizer, Daimon, 2023.
Murray Stein, PhD
01 74 Lecture | The Legacy of C.G. Jung
A lecture with discussion about the legacy of Jung’s work for the contemporary world. A question to be considered is: what are the fundamental values of Jungian psychology? The lecture will propose three areas for consideration. Discussion will follow.
Graduation & Apéro
Payment in cash at the door
The Complete Lecture Series
General Entry: CHF 180
Students & Over 65: CHF 120
Per Lecture
General Entry: CHF 30
Students & Over 65: CHF 20
Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
For questions please contact [email protected]
Schedule an interview while you are here! Please send email to [email protected]