International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich


Gary Bruno Schmid, PhD

Teaching course 01 17
Gary Bruno Schmid: 1977 PhD quantum physics; 1977–1979 postdoc, JILA, Boulder, CO; 1978 postdoc, Hahn-Meitner Inst. Berlin; 1979–1985 research, Inst. for Didactics of Physics, Univ. Karlsruhe; 1985–1994 research, focus on psychosis, Psychiatric University Clinic Zurich; 1995–2006 clinical psychotherapy/research at Psychiatric Clinic Rheinau, later ipw; 1988 diploma as Analytical Psychologist, C.G. Jung Institute Küsnacht; since 1988 private psycho- and hypnotherapeutic practice Zurich.