International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

Financial Support for ISAPZURICH Students

ISAPZURICH Loans and Grants for Candidates:


A training candidate may apply for a loan after two credited semesters in the Diploma program. A loan may be requested of up to CHF 6’000.- in amounts of CHF 2’000 per semester with a 1.5% interest to be repaid beginning one year after graduation in mutually agreed upon installments. In exceptional situations a higher loan may be discussed.

A diploma candidate may apply for up to CHF 10’000.-: an initial amount of CHF 5000.- followed by another CHF 5000.- if needed. Repayment for such a loan in the amount of CHF 125 per quarter begins in the first quarter of the year following the date of the agreement, i.e. January, April, July, October, until one year after graduation. Beginning from one year after the date of graduation, interest of 1.5% shall apply on the remaining loan amount until the loan is paid off. Repayment(s) beginning at that time shall be re-calculated by the Grants and Loans officer in mutually agreed upon installments, making sure the loan is paid off within a reasonable time frame. In exceptional situations a higher loan may be discussed.

The applicant should understand that the Loans and Grants Committee members may consult with the applicant’s AC members regarding the candidate’s reliability.


A diploma candidate in acute financial need may apply for a grant. This would be given in the form of a one-time reduction of 20% of the semester fee and a one time cash contribution of up to 5% of the existing Scholarship Fund. To find out what that amount is, or to apply for financial aid, please contact the ISAP Treasurer at [email protected]