International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

Autumn Excursion - October 2020
Led by the Stag from Uetliberg to the Fraumünster


We will follow Maria Anna Bernasconi as she incarnates for us the legend of Hildegard and Berta’s siting and following of the stag – antlers lighted- in nearby forests of Uetliberg, a “trail” that culminated at the locus of Zurich’s Fraumuenster and prompted its construction.
From the forest trail above Uetliberg, we’ll stop along the way to honor, with small rituals, the stag siting and other legends, along with archaeological findings used for religious purposes, progressing to the Fraumuenster Crypt, by way of the Landesmuseum, Wasserkirche / Grossmuenster, and possibly too, Lindenhof.
The excursion, starting out from Zurich’s Hauptbahnhof at 9:15, is designed around the archetypal experience of rootedness, to the place where we are, as well as to sense of homeland or wherever we happen to live.

Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers.

Date & Venue

Sunday, 4 October 2020

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Gather at the Red Cube Group Meeting Point at Zürich HB by 9:15

Cost & Registration

The excursion fee of CHF 45.- (CHF 35.- for students / participants who have a half fare Abo) includes: round trip group travel; admission fees; and a coffee! Lunch is self-pay.

English and German

For more information and registration:
[email protected]
+41 (0)79 521 22 21
by Friday 2.10.20. Students receive 4 hours of course credit.
