International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

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All times are Zurich, Switzerland time. Everybody is welcome to our public lectures and open seminars.

Zoom events - please note that on-site attendees will be given priority and consequently Zoom attendees may have limited or no interaction possibilities with the event presenter.

Attendance Fees (on-site or via Zoom):

  • General Public: CHF 30 per double hour
  • Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20 per double hour
No Refund Policy
  • Please note that registration is binding. No refunds will be given or changes allowed. In the unlikely event of your chosen course being cancelled, we will contact you by email to arrange a replacement of equivalent value. If you have questions about our policies, please contact us at [email protected].
All payments can be made via our payments page or exact cash at the door if attending on-site.

IMPORTANT: The Zoom event payment deadline is 24 hours before the start of the event.

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01 02 Lecture

Nancy Krieger, PhD
2 March 2021 | 17:00–18:45
Open to the Public
Jung: A Literary Biography

We will be reviewing Jung’s written work as it reflects stages in the development of his theories starting from his early work as a young psychiatrist and work on the complex, how this fed into his ideas of the archetype and, in the early 1950s the publication of a trilogy of his major works: “Answer to Job”, “Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle”, and Mysterium Coniunctionis. We will concentrate mainly on the collected works, but will also look briefly at the more recently published seminars and The Red Book.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


12 03 Lecture

Yuriko Sato, MD
2 March 2021 | 19:00–20:45
Open to the Public
Mindful Listening in Our Practice

Listening to what analysands say is not as easy as one might think. Mindfulness is widely commercialised, yet often overlooked in psychotherapy. “Am I really listening to the person in front of me?” What does this question mean? We will explore this fundamental act and attitude not only of an analyst, but more generally of a human being.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


03 04 Open Seminar

Diane Cousineau Brutsche, Dr. phil.
3 March 2021 | 17:00–18:45  Part 1
3 March 2021 | 19:00–20:45  Part 2
Open to the Public
Even Fairy Godmothers Can Fail

Taking as a symbolic basis for the discussion a French fairy tale called “Peau d'Âne” (“Donkey's Skin”) by Charles Perrault, I propose a reflection on essential phases of feminine psychic development in a patriarchal context. I also intend to enlarge the discussion to the collective dimension.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


02 05 Lecture

Gary Hayes, lic. phil.
4 March 2021 | 17:00–18:45
Open to the Public
Dreamwork in the Daily Practice

We will be discussing the fundamentals of Jungian dream work.
The emphasis will be on the practical aspects of working with people’s dreams. Active participation is encouraged.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


11 06 Lecture

John Hill, MA
4 March 2021 | 19:00–20:45
Open to the Public
Jung’s Many Homes: Sacred and Secular

The many homes of Jung represent different dimension of his personality. These homes remained not only inner symbolic experiences, but also found expression in the outer world, as in the creation of The Red Book and Bollingen. The dynamic of this undertaking expresses Jung’s individuation process, an attempt to link heaven and earth.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


04 08 Lecture

Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil.
5 March 2021 | 17:00–18:45
Open to the Public
Niki de Saint Phalle: A Psychological Approach to her Artwork and the Symbolic Significance of the Tarot Garden

We shall approach, in a psychological interpretation, the main periods of this well-known French-American artist, using slides and a careful reading of the symbolic significance of her Tarot Garden in Tuscany. This is an artistic illustration of some aspects of the individuation process.
One of her famous Nana sculptures is an angel hanging in Zurich’s main station.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


01 09 Lecture

Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH
5 March 2021 | 19:00–20:45
Open to the Public
Our Soul Revealed by our Environment: Psychecological Basics

The ecological crisis has its roots and solutions in the way we think and act. As our time has lost the dimension of the soul, key psychological values appear projected concretely onto the core themes of economy, politics, technology, science, and more, overcharging them, mostly with destructive ecological consequences. Therefore, analysing symbolically the different ecological problems unveils, in revealing images, the unlived soul of our time, and helps us to ground our lives again in soul and natural processes, honouring the fundamental unity between human and nature. Analytical Psychology offers invaluable resources for the doubly needed ecological and personal-cultural turnaround.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


10 15 Lecture

Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil.
10 March 2021 | 17:00–18:45
Open to the Public
Working through Trauma: Learning from The Red Book

Recommended reading:
Wirtz, Ursula: Trauma and Beyond. The Mystery of Transformation. Routledge 2020

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


03 18 Lecture

Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA
11 March 2021 | 15:00–16:45
18 March 2021 | 15:00–16:45
Open to the Public
Creation Myths

A creation myth or cosmogonic myth is a symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it. We will look at frequently occurring motifs in creation myths and consider them from a depth psychological and sacred perspective.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


11 33 Lecture

Stefano Carpani, Dott. M.A. M.Phil
12 March 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
The Consequences of Freedom: Moving Beyond the Intermediate States of Broken Individualization and Liquidity

I attempt a comparative study of C. G. Jung’s individuation process, German sociologist Ulrich Beck’s individualization theory, and Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman’s concept of liquidity.
This comparison will serve to introduce a new configuration of psychosocial studies, wherein Jung is used to consider the psychic and Beck and Bauman the social.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


10 19 Open Seminar

Irene Berkenbusch-Erbe, Dr. phil.
12 March 2021 | 13:00–14:45  Part 1
12 March 2021 | 15:00–16:45  Part 2
Open to the Public
Narcissism or Healthy Self-Confidence?

How can we distinguish the different forms of narcissism from each other? What are the criteria for a pathological narcissism? Society and politics seem increasingly narcissistic. There will be time for discussion.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


04 20 Lecture

Kathrin Schaeppi, MS, MFA
16 March 2021 | 13:00–14:45
Open to the Public

** This course is no longer open to the public. **

Resources for Symbol Papers and Theses: Birgit Littmann Brunner Slide Collection, The Picture Archive,, etc.

Know sources of picture material available to ISAP students when preparing and illustrating your papers. Specific focus is on the contents and usage of the B. L. B. slide collection.


02 24 Lecture

Vicki Reiff, MPS
Ellen Ann Celi Dr. phil.
20 March 2021 | 13:00–14:45  Part 1
20 March 2021 | 15:00–16:45  Part 2
Open to the Public

** This course has been cancelled. **

The Healing Capacity of Dreams

How the psyche heals as seen through the dreams of war- traumatised children and adolescents. Case examples of war-traumatised children and adolescents will be presented.


01 30 Lecture

Dariane Pictet, Ad. Dip. Ex. Psych
8 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
The Darkness Within: Looking at Shadow in Ourselves and the World

This lecture will discuss the shadow complex in its personal and collective aspects. Can it be redeemed, integrated, or accepted? Themes explored include the unlived life, projections, scapegoat and persona, good and evil, repression and madness, as well as some lighter themes.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


10 43 Open Seminar

Douglas Whitcher, PhD
9 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
16 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
23 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public

** This course has been cancelled. **

“Secondary Gain” as a Cry from the Depths

Why do the symptoms of many patients persist in spite of having followed the treatment plan? Following Freud’s question of why so many patients refuse to renounce their symptoms, we will pose the Jungian hypothesis that the symptom is a doorway into a deeper appreciation of experiences that elude common conceptions of happiness and success. The seminar will be based on case examples of difficult to treat disturbances.


02 34 Lecture

Vicki Reiff, MPS
9 April 2021 | 15:00–16:45
Open to the Public
The Motif of Urination in Dreams

The lecture will discuss the symbolic message of this common dream motif. With case examples.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.


08 36 Open Seminar

Lars Oivind Oian, Cand.polit.
Tuesday & Wednesday
13 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
14 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public

** This course is no longer open to the public. **

Healing the Wound of Trauma in Children: Safety, Love and Playfulness

To be on the front line each day, meeting traumatized children at the Children’s House in Bergen Police District, has given me a unique and extraordinary experience and insight into their horror of trauma and dissociation. I will share a clinically rich and comprehensive overview of the trauma treatment and crisis intervention given. It will also be a presentation of judicial forensic interviews with children, and the importance of medical examination since their body can be a scene of crime. I will also bring in the deep experience of love, healing and playful approaches to serious problems in therapy such as dreamwork, imagination, drawings and sandplay.


11 37 Lecture

Peter Kenney, MA
15 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public

** This course is no longer open to the public. **

Being and Becoming: An Exploration of Vocation from a Jungian Perspective

We will reflect on the nature and meaning of vocation from self-experience and the experience of others from a Jungian perspective, inspired by, and in light of, Jung’s lecture on vocation entitled “The Development of Personality” in CW 17. We will explore the experience of “the call” in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, the calling and the initiation of the Shaman, and the vocation of the wounded healer. We will also reflect on the experience of individuation and the call to self- transcendence.


01 39 Lecture

Susanna Bucher Alther, Dr. sc. nat. ETH
20 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
The “Age of Plastic”: What Does Plastic Symbolize, and What Could Plastic Pollution Tell Us?

In the early 20th century, plastic was hailed as “a wonderful stuff”, “an indestructible material possessed of immortality.” Was the alchemists’ elixir projected on plastic? Jung says: “Spirit threatens the naïve-minded man with inflation ... the more our interest fastens upon external objects and the more we forget that the differentiation of our relation to nature should go hand in hand with a correspondingly differentiated relation to the spirit” (CW 9/1, §393). What could this mean for our “Age of Plastic”? Lecture with pictures and short film.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.

11 40 Lecture

Francisco Garcia, MEd
20 April 2021 | 13:00–14:45
Open to the Public
Addiction: A Crisis of Faith

Addictive substances, be they drugs, alcohol or food, hold a fascination for a majority in our society, and it may well be that the numinosity that these substances offer reflects the central crisis in our 21st century culture — the crisis of faith.

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.


11 42 Lecture

Karin Jironet, Prof. Dr.
22 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public

** This course is no longer open to the public. **

Feminine Leadership: Personal Development Beyond Polarities

Often, the things that we like the least in ourselves help us the most. In The Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri describes a journey through the seven cardinal sins and virtues. Awareness of these human polarities brings freedom from shackles, transformation and deeper understanding of our own personality.
It can be liberating and healing to acknowledge the Shadow, the least wanted or unrealized part of yourself. We will explore the fundamental psychological dynamics between sin and virtue and why personal development is relevant to leadership. How can we access the potential for our consciousness’ expansion and live a truly creative and purposeful life?
Pre-reading: Jironet, Feminine Leadership: Personal Development Beyond Polarities, 2019, Routledge

06 46 Open Seminar

Margot Estabrook Stienstra, lic. phil.
Tuesday & Thursday
27 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
29 April 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
Jung on Nature ... and Implications for Culture

The Zeitgeist – and our calling – beckon us to examine together selected excerpts from Jung’s writings on Nature, to draw intimations for eco-reciprocity, more conscious re-engagement and relationship.

05 47 Lecture

Penelope Yungblut, MA
Tuesday & Thursday
27 April 2021 | 13:00–14:45
29 April 2021 | 13:00–14:45
4 May 2021 | 13:00–14:45
6 May 2021 | 13:00–14:45
Open to the Public
The Individual and Society: Being the Change We Want to See

How we treat others mirrors how we treat ourselves. As individuals, communities, societies, and nations, we marginalize parts of self and others as being “lesser than.” In these lectures, we will explore such questions as what underlies this archetypal propensity? What does change require of us? How does analysis evoke transformative possibilities of our becoming the change we want to see? We will examine how inner work can lead to a more compassionate, connected, and equitable self and society.

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.

01 48 Open Seminar

Roberta Locher-Dworkin, MSc
29 April 2021 | 17:00–18:45
6 May 2021 | 17:00–18:45
20 May 2021 | 17:00–18:45
Open to the Public
The Subtle Symbolic Interlude: A Deeper Dimension

The subtlety of the symbol lies not only in the eye but the attitude of the beholder. It does not arise in the world of conceptualisation, rather its entry point is the world of stillness.
How does the Jungian symbolic approach permit one to broaden one’s horizons? What does horizontal as opposed to vertical consciousness have to do with the symbol?
This open seminar will present case material in order to elaborate upon symbolic mirroring arising from personal and cultural contextual perspectives.

01 49 Lecture

Andrew Fellows, PhD
Tuesday & Wednesday
4 May 2021 | 10:00–11:45
5 May 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
Nonlocal Mind 2: The New Sciences

I will screen the film about the life and ideas of David Bohm Infinite Potential* and then review the impact of the new sciences on current theories of consciousness and beyond. Emphasis will be given to Bohmian thought, the Pauli-Jung conjecture and implications for Jungian theory and practice.

*As the film cannot be screened via Zoom, in place of the first session off-site participants should purchase their own copy to view in advance from

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.

05 50 Lecture

Katarzyna Wach, Mgr. Psych., Soc. Psych.
4 May 2021 | 15:00–16:45
Open to the Public
Jungian Psychology in the 21st Century: Questions, Reflections, Explorations

Looking into cultural complexes and body politics of gender, sexuality and race in the light of contemporary social movements.

11 53 Lecture

Svetlana Zdravkovic, PhD
19 May 2021 | 10:00–11:45  Part 1
19 May 2021 | 15:00–16:45  Part 2
Open to the Public
Sexuality as the Creative Way of Expression

Jung sees the sexual instinct as one of the drives, which does not cease to make us creative, happy, anxious, depressed, etc. A relation is established between Jungian notions and clinical practice.

06 56 Open Seminar

John Desteian, J.D.DPsy
Tuesday & Wednesday
25 May 2021 | 15:00–16:45  Part 1
25 May 2021 | 17:00–18:45  Part 2
26 May 2021 | 15:00–16:45  Part 3
Open to the Public
The Psychological Problem of Religion

We’ll consider the psychological problem of religion: an unconscious and unpsychological mythic, narrative and emotional assault on what is essentially human, as disclosed to us by our own self-conscious experiences. Our alienation from being in the world as human is expressed in religious, intrapsychic, interpersonal and geopolitical wars.

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.


11 57 Lecture

Dariane Pictet, Ad. Dip. Ex. Psych
26 May 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
Balancing your Checkbook: Spirituality and Money

This lecture will explore the psychology of money, approaching it as symbol, psychic energy, complex, Shadow. What does it mean to be broke or wealthy and how does money manifest in the clinical setting? We will also look at soul and money as a sacred dance and examine how we engage with wealth management in a material world.

This course will be broadcast live on Zoom ONLY. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend. All attendees for this event must be on Zoom, including ISAP students. This event is NOT at ISAP.

05 59 Lecture

Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
27 May 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
Rock Art and the Origin of Consciousness: How Rock Paintings Reflect the Emergence of Humans as a “Symbolic Species”

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.


11 60 Lecture

Lisa Holland, MS
27 May 2021 | 13:00–14:45
Open to the Public

** This course has been cancelled. **

Guilt, Shame and Shamelessness: In Analysis and Beyond

We will explore guilt and its importance to individuation, distinguish between guilt and shame, and examine the phenomenon of shamelessness through Jung’s writings, symbolic and clinical material and the current social and political milieu.

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.

11 61 Lecture

Francisco Garcia, MEd
27 May 2021 | 15:00–16:45
Open to the Public
The Meaning of Suffering

Sufferers want to know why they suffer, and this search for meaning is often the beginning of spiritual or psychological awakening.

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.

05 62 Lecture

Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
28 May 2021 | 10:00–11:45
Open to the Public
Rock Art and Psyche: Rock Paintings, Hunting and the Emergence of Directed Consciousness

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.

06 63 Lecture

Maria Grazia Calzà, PhD
28 May 2021 | 13:00–14:45
Open to the Public
Over-Flowing: Women’s Mysticism and Imagination

To Jung our imagination is the door to divinity: it serves as a symbolic intermediary allowing for the imaging of the imageless divine. Images allow mystics to stand in relationship to the transcendent. The numinous images of this “Imaginative Presence” over-flowed medieval mystic women’s consciousness and transmuted it in a substantive way that was grounded in the body. They envisioned Jesus as an “incarnational form” of divinity (Self) that was feminine in nature. He was seen as a “continuum with” rather than as an “opposition to” their ordinary feminine experience of embodiment.

This course will be broadcast live from ISAP on Zoom. Please see our page on Zoom Lectures for details on how to attend.