All times are Zurich, Switzerland time. Everybody is welcome to our public lectures and open seminars.
Zoom events - please note that on-site attendees will be given priority and consequently Zoom attendees may have limited or no interaction possibilities with the event presenter.
Attendance Fees (on-site or via Zoom):
What in the world is a ‘Jungian analysis’? Who does the analyzing? What is analyzed? What happens? We will look at all these questions and more during this introduction to the Basic Jung series ‘Working as a Jungian Psychoanalyst’.
Understood as an image that represents much more than its mere concrete form, the symbol opens a window onto the very roots of the world. It can be experienced as a revelation, but also used as a key to translation. If becoming possessed by a symbol imprisons us, then entering into dialogue with it liberates energy. Thus the symbolic equation is to depth psychology what the mathematical equation is to the natural sciences. It allows powerful analysis and forges deeply attuned solutions. To adopt a symbolic attitude is a truly vivifying experience.
The lecture will address the understanding of psychic suffering and illness from a Jungian point of view. How do healing and relief come about and what facilitates those in analytical work?
What is Jungian in our views on dreams, on the purpose of dreams, on the meaning of the weird situations and people in our dreams? An introduction on the function and the language of dreams is followed by a common discussion of a particular dream. Another dream is then discussed first in small groups, then with all while the different findings are compared and a conclusion on a possible meaning is drawn.
Jungian psychoanalysts use a theory of psychological development to assist their clients toward health and wholeness. This lecture will give an overview of how individuation theory is used in analysis.
We will try to encounter the man C. G. Jung.
What course did his life take? What are the turning points and stations in his life? Which people played important roles in Jung’s life and how did these encounters influence his work? We will embark on a journey of Jung’s life and work, illustrated with pictures and texts.
Emerging, hiding, sliding, killing, creating, ...
Shadow is there, ‘called or uncalled’ as part of the Self, as Jung experienced in the human psyche.
Case studies with dreams and transference-countertransference aspects will be discussed. An interesting 12 year case with rich dream and picture material will be discussed in detail.
Fallmaterial mit Bezug auf Träume, Übertragung und Gegenübertragung. Besondere Erwähnung einer langen Therapie über 12 Jahre, mit Bild- und Traummaterial.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
1) “On the Importance of Numinous Experience in the Alchemy of Individuation”
2) “On Modern Initiation into the Spiritual”
3) “The Individuation Process in Difficult Times: Jung’s Red Book Experience”
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Toni Wolff first introduced her structural forms of the feminine in the Psychological Club in Zurich (1934). Her study is no less relevant today than it was 85 years ago. It speaks not only to women but also to the Anima of the man and helps understand why women react in so many different ways to similar situations . The short article will be available for copying.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Rituals are universal. All societies know rituals. All people consciously or unconsciously perform rituals or are part of rituals.
If a phenomenon exists universally, according to C. G. Jung we can speak of an archetypal event. Rituals are archetypically rooted.
The lecture illuminates the theme of rituals theoretically and illustrates the universality of rituals with examples from the world family.
** This course has been postponed until autumn semester, due to the uncertainty of travel possibilities from Rome, Italy, where Dr. Adorisio lives. **
If you would like to be informed about any subsequent rescheduling of this course please send email to [email protected]
The first double hour I will create a safe environment for introducing body work, little experiences on body awareness, emotional awareness, kinesthetic communication. The second double hour will be dedicated to the explanation and practice of Authentic Movement.
Dance/movement as active imagination makes it possible to perceive psyche and body as a unity within which a series of bridges allows for passage and communication between one and the other. Authentic movement explores the inner-directed movement as a way to bridge the realms of conscious and unconscious experience. It promotes healing and creative process through individual and collective transformative journeys.
This seminar is open to all. It is required for anyone wanting to attend the intensive seminar over the weekend who has not been in a previous workshop with me before.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Jung’s focus in “Answer to Job” is on the relationship between Job and Yahweh. The biblical account, however, introduces many other characters revealing further symbolic dimensions of the text. We will approach in parallel both of these unique books.
** This course has been cancelled. **
We shall explore Jung’s perspectives on modern art and apply them to the work of Dutch artist Anton Heyboer (1924-2005). We will discuss the archetypal themes but also address the question if Heyboer’s art provides evidence of psychological development.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
The lectures deal with Germanic cosmology, the main gods and the end of time. They describe Germanic culture through time and deal with neglected female and male archetypes, the consequences of cultural repression and archetypal illiteracy.
I. Introduction
II. Germanic cosmography, the gods and the end of time
III. Germanic mythology through time
IV. Women in the Norse world, Brünhild and the Ring
V. Odin, the undiscovered archetype of analytical psychologists
VI. A plea for education in archetypal geography
VII. On C. G. Jung’s essay “Wotan” (1936)
VIII. Outlook and literature
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
We will look at the anima as an archetype of relatedness and how its images map our inner landscape. We will attempt to move beyond gender biases and see if this intrapsychic complex can be integrated into a modern soul making perspective.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
We will look in depth at Erich Neumann’s archetypal theories of child development as presented in his posthumous book The Child. This will include the primal mother-infant relationship and the development of the Ego-Self axis, the five stages of development as he defined them, and the Matriarchy and Patriarchy as archetypal principles.
This open seminar will take place via Zoom using the lecture Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the open seminar. This open seminar requires the lecture password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
An exploration of the Grimm's tale 'The Little Donkey' (also called 'The Donkey') and the complexes a person is faced with on his/her individuation journey. We will contemplate the symbolic meaning and psychological implications of wearing and removing (a) skin. Please read Grimm's fairy tale 144 in advance:
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Starting from Maria Lassnig's self-portraits we will trace the numinous experience of staring eyes back to the Sumerian myth of Inanna's sister Ereshkigal, and to the Owl Goddess of the Neolithic, then come back to the impact of this powerful symbol in modern art.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Die Vorlesung erschliesst die „Heilung eines Kranken am Teich Bethesda“ (Joh.5, 2-16) aus psychologischer Sicht. Körperliche Behinderung als Stiefkind der Psychotherapie wird theoretisch und am praktischen Beispiel erläutert.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
The complex aspects of the Puella archetype are explored through composite clinical examples, myth and dreams as we try to define her. Disconnected from the Shadow she is bolstered by Persona adaptation but feels empty and without passion. The narcissistic wounding and early attachment problems lead to body numbing, distorted self-image and difficulty with intimacy. In clinical work, there is the issue of how to work with the symbolic, a necessary piece for individuation and accessing the Self.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
We are presently living in times of great peril. Is there a lesson to be learned from this collective crisis? Does Analytical Psychology have an answer how to deal with these nigredo states? We look at Jung's own process of struggling with disorientation and uncertainty to search for wise ways of meeting contemporary challenges.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
The ‘as if’ personality as linked with narcissism propels the Jungian process of individuation. The clinical material and dreams show internal splits and fractured selves. Emphasized is the concept of dissociation and its relationship to narcissism. Individuation calls for a deepening through accessing the shadow and connecting to the larger scope of the personality, the self.
The presentation uses a composite clinical example and the life and poetry of Sylvia Plath, American poetess of the mid- twentieth century.
** This course has been cancelled. **
In the face of increasing religion-based aggression and violence in the world, we address the question of the extent to which psychological and cultural complexes play a role.
This open seminar will take place via Zoom using the lecture Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the open seminar. This open seminar requires the lecture password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Bearing in mind that Neumann died before completing The Child, I will start with a brief introduction of the comments he made specifically concerning girls. After this, I want to hear from the students what you have to say about how this relates to your experience. The lecture series 08 38 is a prerequisite for this discussion.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Jungian Psychotherapy is a helping profession, but what makes it distinctive and different from other psychotherapeautic approaches? In this lecture the profile of the Jungian approach will be circumscribed and the patterns, which makes Jungian Psychology unique, discussed.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Reflections on gender roles and the archetypal aspects of Anima and Animus as expressed through Art: a psychological interpretation of paintings from ISAP’s slide collection.
** This course has been cancelled. **
Von inneren Persönlichkeiten, Geheimbünden, Pseudo- nymen, Heteronymen, Masken und Spielen in Leben und Werk der beiden Künstler des 19. und frühen 20. Jahr- hunderts als kontextueller Beitrag zu C. G. Jung.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
A lecture on how Jung developed his "map of the soul" using his mandala titled "Systema munditotius" as a point of reference.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
We will be surprised by the similarities between biological and psychic processes; biochemistry is mirrored in the Self and Trickster archetypes, subcellular functions in the stages of alchemy. Can we get a glimpse of the Psychoid?
** This course has been cancelled. **
Inner personalities, secret societies, pseudonyms, heteronyms, masks and plays in the life and work of these 19th century artists.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
This lecture includes a “secret” and unpublished letter from the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, Bill Wilson, requesting Jung’s advice on using LSD with alcoholics in order to induce a spiritual awakening in them.
The lecture will explain how Carl Jung influenced AA and in turn was influenced by it.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Showing and discussion of my documentary film about an African sangoma who received his healing power in his dreams from the Bushpeople. When he finally met them in reality he wanted to honor them in a special ceremony.
** This course has been cancelled. **
The concept of archetype has been popularized in recent decades, sometimes leading to a generalized or superficial understanding. Archetypes are too often held conceptually without deeper, related experience. Yet according to Jung, archetype... “can be truly understood only if experienced as an autonomous entity.” (CWVII, ¶184) Distinguishing between ego identity and the mystical guest who enters the doorway of one’s being is a practice that enables the I/Thou relationship. “The better we understand the archetype,” Jung writes, “the more we participate in its life and the more we realize its eternity or timelessness.” (CW18, ¶1572)
Part lecture, part practical application, we will delve into the topic of archetype theoretically and experientially, working with the archetype of the circle as it effects conscious perception and body awareness.
This open seminar will take place via Zoom using the lecture Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the open seminar. This open seminar requires the lecture password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
The first part of the seminar will examine previously unpublished historical documents from the archives which show Jung’s connection to Bill Wilson, the founder of AA, from 1926 to 1961. Their correspondence includes Bill Wilson explaining his own personal use of LSD and of using it as treatment to induce a spiritual experience in alcoholics. Also included is correspondence from Margarita Luttichau, a student of both Jung and Wilson, to whom Jung gave “extraordinarily complete instruction” about how to apply the AA group methodology to “general neurotics”.
The second part will explain how to treat alcoholism from a Jungian perspective; including the clinical diagnosis of alcoholism, motivating a person into treatment and prevention of relapse.
Participants will be encouraged to discuss a case and raise questions about coping with active alcoholism among clients and family members.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
In the Red Book Jung writes, “I had to become aware that I had lost my soul.” What is soul? What may it feel like when connection is lost? How might soul searching and reconnection take place? Loss and recovery of soul will be explored and illuminated through Jung’s personal experience.
This open seminar will take place via Zoom using the lecture Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the open seminar. This open seminar requires the lecture password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
With reference to Jung, Hillman, and others. Grimm's fairy tales 'The Water of Life' and 'The Fisherman and His Wife' will illustrate the difference between one-sided egocentricity of power and authority structures and potential wholistic rule of the Self on the other. Can Covid-19 help initiate restoration of wholeness and initiate the 'coronation' of a dynamic yet sustainable collective King/Queen archetype?
In preparation please use the links below to read the two fairy tales mentioned above as well as the article by Charles Eisenstein and the interview with Murray Stein.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
Special emphasis will be placed on the interactions among ego, shadow, animus, anima and Self and their role in individuation. Lecture with discussion and break out groups.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
We will investigate the different ways of accessing the archetypal realm between the East and the West, shown with the help of the I Ching.
This lecture will take place via Zoom using Meeting ID: 642-164-1289. You can also use this link to join the lecture. This lecture requires a password. ISAP Students and Participants were sent the password by email on 25. March. Please contact the Front Office at [email protected] for the password. More details on using Zoom here.
We will look at narcissistic wounding, its effect on the psyche and the healing process, using case work and with the aid of the Grimm's fairy tale. In preparation for this lecture please read Little Snow-White here: