During the early decades of the twentieth century, when C.G. Jung was developing his psychological ideas and techniques, one of the most powerful stories gripping scientists, intellectuals, and the general culture in Europe was that the world had become disenchanted—stripped of genuine mystery, unrelated to any spiritual or divine reality, and lacking inherent meaning. In this book and series of lectures I examine various ways in which Jung’s work can be seen as a response, not always straightforward, to this dominant story of disenchantment.
In relation to the purported absence of mystery, I review Jung’s lifelong experience, observation, and study of paranormal phenomena, which raise question marks over narrow conceptions of empiricism and reason. In relation to the claimed unbridgeable separation between the world and any transcendent reality, I consider an implicit, psychologically disguised metaphysics identifiable in Jung’s work, which supports an intimate and mutually transformative relationship between the world and the divine. And in relation to the question of meaning, I examine Jung’s statements implying that meaning is not just subjectively projected onto a meaningless external reality but can be an inherent feature discoverable in, or creatively emergent from, the one reality which we also are.
Informing Jung’s engagements with disenchantment in each of these areas was his profound concern with psychological wholeness. I suggest in conclusion that Jung’s is a particularly rich and distinctive form of holistic thought, valuable not only for psychotherapy but also as a critical perspective on some of our current social, political, and environmental crises, insofar as these have roots in the still prevalent story of disenchantment.
This program will be live at ISAP and live-streamed via Zoom. You can purchase Zoom attendance below on this page. See our Zoom Lectures page for more details.
Plans for the ZLS long weekend, scheduled for 1–5 October, 2021, will be reviewed in June in order to make any adjustments still needed given global and local environment. This may include an abbreviated version of the guest lecture, but it is hoped in any case to present Postlude lecturers, a panel discussion, and a local excursion to the Museum Haus C.G. Jung.
Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
Roderick has a BA and MA in Classics from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Religious Studies from Lancaster University. He joined the Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at Essex (formerly the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies) as a visiting research fellow in 1997 and was appointed as a lecturer in 2000, senior lecturer in 2007, and full professor in 2011. He has had many roles in the department, including Course Lead for the MA Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies between 2002 and 2009 and Director (i.e., Head of Department) between 2008 and 2012. He is currently Director of Education as well as Director of the Centre for Myth Studies. From 2014 to 2016 he was seconded to a University role as Deputy Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Roderick’s teaching and research mainly focus on the work of Carl Gustav Jung, especially in relation to religion, mythology, literature, and society. His publications have engaged in particular with Jung’s concept of synchronicity and include the books Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal (Routledge/Princeton, 1997; edited), The Rupture of Time: Synchronicity and Jung’s Critique of Modern Western Culture (Brunner-Routledge, 2004), and Revelations of Chance: Synchronicity as Spiritual Experience (SUNY, 2007). In the area of myth studies he is co-editor (with Leon Burnett and Sanja Bahun) of Myth, Literature, and the Unconscious (Karnac, 2013). From 2016 to 2018 he was the Principal Investigator on an Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project titled ‘“One World”: logical and ethical implications of holism’, which resulted in his two most recent books (co-edited with Christian McMillan and David Henderson): Holism: Possibilities and Problems (Routledge, 2020) and Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole (Routledge, 2021).
Standard: CHF 100
Seniors & Students: CHF 70
ISAP Students Free - JITZ Sponsorship
Final Registration Deadline: September 24 or when number of on-site registrants reaches room capacity per Covid restrictions in place at that time, whichever comes first
The ZLS was established in 2009 for the purpose of presenting annually a significant new work by a selected Jungian psychoanalyst or scholar who has previously offered innovative contributions to the field of Analytical Psychology by either: bringing analytical a psychology into meaningful dialogue with other scientific, artistic, and academic disciplines; showing how analytical psychology can lead to a better understanding of contemporary global concerns relating to the environment, politics, religion; or expanding the concepts of analytical psychology as they are applied clinically. For the Series the selected lecturer delivers lectures over a two-day period in Zürich based on a previously unpublished book-length work, which is then published by Chiron Publications.
Saturday, 2 October 2021 – Tuesday, 5 October 2021
You are invited to participate in three days of Postlude events following ZLS, which includes an Excursion on Saturday, 2 October, and lectures by ISAP analysts on Monday and Tuesday, 4 and 5 October, at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich.
Saturday, 2 October, 12:00–16:30
Meet at ISAPZURICH at Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich by 12:00
Tour of the Haus C.G. Jung Museum
Fee for excursion:
- Cash or credit card for one’s own coffee / light lunch in Küsnacht
- CHF 35.- per person for tour + gratuity for tour guides (CHF 2–3 per person)
- Round trip train travel to / from Küsnacht CHF 7.- (more for those with no general or half Abonnement)
Please let us know by September 17 if you plan to attend so that we can reserve you a space. Those who do not register by September 17 cannot be guaranteed a space on the tour.
For questions and reservations, please contact excursion coordinator Margot Estabrook Stienstra at [email protected]
Monday, 4 October 2021 – Tuesday, 5 October 2021
Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
Brigitte Egger, Dr.sc.nat.ETH
01 21 Lecture | Complementarity Creatively Relates Diversity and Unity
Diversity is the lot of the manifest world, unity rather a transcendent principle, and complementarity expresses their inherent bond. Pursued in the manifest world, unity imbued with identity supremacism – excluding the different and the opposite – is a dangerous illusion doomed to lead to polarisation if not open warfare. Cultivated instead in the light of complementarity, it generates humanism and authentic creativity; this path requires utmost respect for, and integration of, the other, and self-limitation. Examples from biology, psychology (individuation), politics and dance.
Luis Moris, MA
01 22 Lecture | Toward a Weltanschauung: Jung’s thoughts on soul and death after the Red Book
"My works", Jung writes in his autobiography "...are fundamentally nothing but attempts, ever renewed, to give an answer to the question of the interplay between the 'here' and the 'hereafter'". This lecture explores these attempts in Jung's private and scholarly writings from 1916 to 1934.
Scott William Hyder, lic. phil.
01 23 Lecture | Disinformation’s Shadowy Enchantment of Undoing: The Myth, Meaning, & Metaphysics of Cultural Manipulation & Exploitation
What forces are involved and benefit from disinformation and how do those affect the psyche? Does this reflect cultural complexes, or merely personal ones? How does the manipulation of media and information serve autocracy and do a disservice to the differentiation necessary for individuation, either individually or collectively?
The Self: Center and Circumference
11 24 Open Seminar | Panel: The Self: Center and Circumference
The panelists will address the issue of individuation: is the goal to achieve individual realisation only or also to contribute to community?
The panelists include Dariane Pictet, Nathalie Boëthius-de Béthune, and Paul Brutsche. Moderation: Murray Stein.
LECTURE FEE: CHF 30 General Entry; CHF 20 Seniors & Students
Gratis for ISAP Analysts & Students
ISAP Students will receive credit for excursion and lecture attendance
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Postlude 2021 Flyer | 0644 | 2021091204413812-Sep-2021 04:41 | 2021060206301802-Jun-2021 06:30 | 61 KB | Preview | Download | ||
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ZLS 2021 Flyer | 0644 | 2021051106010711-May-2021 06:01 | 2021051110283911-May-2021 10:28 | 44 KB | Preview | Download |