The Prelude offers a space between the closing of the Spring Semester and the start of the Jungian Odyssey. A special time for Odyssey guests to experience time at ISAP in Zurich before leaving for the Jungian Odyssey.
All Prelude lectures will be broadcast live on Zoom. See our Zoom Lectures page for details.
25–27 May 2022
Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
Dariane Pictet, Ad. Dip. Ex. Psych
03 70 Lecture | Demeter's Curse - Pictet
We will explore our relation to the earth, matter, body in the light of the Homeric Myth of Demeter. Food allergies and eating disorders, may be evidence of an increasingly unsustainable attitude to our own nature and to the Earth.
Spring Excursion: Visit to the Tower of Marie-Louise von Franz close to Bollingen
Excursion leader: Galina Angelova, MTheol.
Registration required by 14 May, 2022
Meet at 12:40 at Zürich HB group meeting point with:
• comfortable shoes for 25 min walk to the tower
• train ticket to Wagen, Alte Post
Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
02 71 Lecture | Federico Fellini: The Role of Dreams in an Artist's Crisis of his Creative Power [Part 1 of 2]
Jody Schlatter, Dr. med.
01 72 Lecture | A Question for Answer to Job
In his book, Answer to Job, Jung takes a hard look at the God-image and the plight of modern humanity, as well as at "the idea of the creature that surpasses its creator by a small but decisive factor."
John Hill, MA
01 73 Lecture | Perceiving the World through Symbol [Part 1 of 2]
The spontaneous creating of symbols provides a vitality that prevents Jungian concepts from becoming faded metaphors. Our symbolic mind not only provides inner images but also is active in the way we perceive the outer world.
Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
02 71 Lecture | Federico Fellini: The Role of Dreams in an Artist's Crisis of his Creative Power [Part 2 of 2]
John Hill, MA
01 73 Lecture | Perceiving the World through Symbol [Part 2 of 2]
The spontaneous creating of symbols provides a vitality that prevents Jungian concepts from becoming faded metaphors. Our symbolic mind not only provides inner images but also is active in the way we perceive the outer world.
Graduation & Apéro
Payment in cash at the door
The Complete Lecture Series
General Entry: CHF 160
Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 110
Per Lecture
General Entry: CHF 30
Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20
Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts
For questions please contact [email protected]
Schedule an interview while you are here! Please send email to [email protected]