International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

Basic Jung – September 2022


Basic Jung is a series of late afternoon lectures given in the first week of each semester. Each series highlights a different aspect of Analytical Psychology, and offers an intensive introduction to basic Jungian concepts and ways of working, particularly for new students, guests and the general public. Although planned as a series, each course can be attended independently.

This semester's topic is “Archetypes”. The first lecture introduces Jung’s basic theory of archetypes as it developed over time and how it was interpreted by his followers. Subsequent lectures focus on
- archetypal images of wisdom in various cultures,
- recent approaches to and developments of the concept of archetypes,
- the archetypal background of the relationship between Jung and Freud,
- consciously facing the shadow archetype, the ‘rejected’ part of our personality,
- an archetype of transformation from the perspective of Daoist alchemy,
- the meaning of the anima and animus archetypes today, and
- how the archetypes may direct the analytic process without our full awareness.

All Basic Jung lectures will be broadcast live on Zoom. You can purchase Zoom attendance below on this page. See our Zoom Lectures page for more details.

Date & Venue

6–9 September 2022


Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof

Event Schedule

Tuesday, 6 September


Nancy Krieger, PhD
01 02 Lecture | Introduction to the Theory of Archetypes

The concept of the archetypes of the collective unconscious is the most central of Jung’s theories. To understand Jung you must understand his theory of the archetypes. I will present the basic theory as it developed over time and how it was interpreted by some of his principal followers.


Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil.
01 03 Lecture | The Archetype of Wisdom

We will explore archetypal images of wisdom in various cultures and the difference between becoming more knowledgeable and becoming wise.

Wednesday, 7 September


Christiana Ludwig, MH
01 04 Lecture | Further Developments of Jung’s Concept of the Archetype by J. Knox, C. Roesler and W. Colman

The lecture presents three recent approaches to the topic of archetypes, which were presented and discussed in the context of the ISAP Research Circle in Autumn 2021.


Ursula Ulmer, MA
01 05 Lecture | An Example of an Archetype in a Cultural Complex: Jung and Freud
The relationship between Jung and Freud was intense and ended in rupture. What happened?

Thursday, 8 September


Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH
01 07 Lecture | Shadow: Dirt or Fertilizer?
Everything substantial casts a shadow. The psychological shadow is what the ego (or a culture) denigrates. The less conscious we are, the darker the shadow becomes, the more it opens a door to evil. Consciously facing the shadow increases our awareness, thus transforming dirt into fertilizer.


Ann Chia-Yi Li, MA
11 08 Lecture | “Alchemical Water Region”: An Archetype of Transformation Encountered in Dreams
Some archetypes express themselves through typical situations and places as archetypes of transformation. We will explore the “alchemical water region” from the perspective of Daoist alchemy and examine how this phenomenon can reveal itself in dreams in the course of the individuation process.

Friday, 9 September


Deborah Egger, MSW
01 09 Lecture | Anima and Animus: Archetypes or Antiques?
In today’s world of gender fluidity, can analytical psychology’s concept of the anima and animus archetypes provide a meaningful contribution? We will be considering this question primarily in relation to individuation and adult relationships.


Prof. Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. phil.
01 10 Lecture | Archetypes in Analysis: Trickster/Healer/Mother?
Psychotherapy can be seen as an archetypical drama in which deeper motifs influence the process, sometimes helping us, sometimes leading us astray. In this lecture we will discuss how the archetypes may be directing our work without our full awareness.

Cost & Registration

Payment in cash at the door

The Complete Lecture Series

General Entry: CHF 180
Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 120

Per Lecture
General Entry: CHF 30
Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20

Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts

For questions please contact
[email protected]


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