International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich


Susanna Bucher

[email protected]

Mühlegasse 23
8001 Zürich

Graduate Analyst

Born 1970 in Zürich. She maintains her private analytic practice in Zürich, while also serving on ISAP’s Jungian Odyssey, Program and Nominations Committees. She holds a master’s degree in environmental sciences and a doctorate in natural sciences, both from ETH Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich). She did her doctoral program at the International Rice Research Institute in Los Baňos, Philippines, in collaboration with ETH Zürich, researching nitrogen and phosphorus as soil nutrients in rice cultivation. From 2001–2011, she worked as an editor of the interdisciplinary ecology journal GAIA, Zürich/Munich. Since 2006 she has been a board member of the Zürich-based charitable foundation sahee (sustainability in agriculture, health, education and environment). In 2019 she received her diploma in analytical psychology from ISAPZURICH. Her interests include ecology, spirituality, mysticism, shamanism, (vocal & classical) music, development cooperation, and (hiking in) nature.

Diploma (master’s degree) in environmental sciences, 1995, ETH Zürich
Doctoral degree in natural sciences, 2001, ETH Zürich
Diploma in analytical psychology, 2019, ISAPZURICH

Professional Organizations
AGAP (Association of Graduates in Analytical Psychology)
IAAP (International Association for Analytical Psychology)
SAGUF (Schweizerische Akademische Gesellschaft für Umweltforschung und Ökologie
Psychologischer Club Zürich

Languages Spoken
German (including Swiss-German)

Age Groups

Treatment Types

Dream interpretation
Active imagination
Relating to nature
Ecology and psyche

Bucher, S. 2022. The spiral of plastic pollution: a compensatory urge from the collective unconscious for an ecological‐psychological transformation of civilization. Journal of Analytical Psychology 67/5, p. 1386-1409. DOI:

Bucher, S. 2022. What can depth psychology contribute to ecological transformation? A review of eight recent books. Journal of Analytical Psychology 67/5, p. 1505-1519. DOI:

“‘Auf dass mein Herz von Sehnsucht nach Dir zerrinne’: Mystische Sehnsucht nach dem absolut anderen ‘Du’: Göttliche Geburt im menschlichen Bewusstsein”:
Lecture at the Psychology Club Zürich, 31.08.2019

“‘Yearning is the Way of Life’: Longing and Individuation”
Lecture at ISAPZURICH, 24.11/01.12.2020

“The ‘Age of Plastic’: What Does Plastic Symbolize, and What Could Plastic Pollution Tell Us? ”
Lecture at ISAPZURICH, 20.04.2021

“An Experience of Mystical Love in a 16th C. Spanish Folk Song”
Lecture at ISAPZURICH, 25.11.2021

“Film and Discussion: Ensoulment: A Diverse Analysis of the Feminine in Western Culture (2014): On Eros in a Logos-Dominated World”
Lecture at ISAPZURICH, 07.04.2022 (together with Kathrin Schaeppi)

“Natur und Mystik: Das göttliche ‘Du’ und unsere Beziehung zur inneren und äußeren Natur”
Vortrag am 2. Sächsischen Carl-Gustav-Jung-Symposium, 17.09.2022, Dresden

“Nature and Mysticism: The ‘Divine Thou’ and our Relationship to Inner and Outer Nature”
Lecture at ISAPZURICH, 07.10.2022