International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

‘The unconscious is an untapped source of personal growth and healing, it can help you to improve your resilience, better understand yourself and others, develop more effective personal and work-based relationships, find creative solutions to long-standing problems and a source of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom’

My name is Nicholas and I’m from London in the United Kingdom. I offer Jungian psychoanalytic therapy and counselling to help people who are in distress or have emotional problems. I work with children, adolescents and adults from all walks of life.

My approach aims to facilitate a meaningful, conscious and developmental relationship with oneself and with others. Jungian therapy treats a broad range of symptoms and moods, anxiety, depression, trauma, child adolescent and adult developmental issues, personality disorders, past and existing life circumstances, current difficulties and aspirations, transitioning from current to new life, achieving harmony between internal and external goals, seeking meaning in life and unconscious fantasies and dreams. Working creatively with all aspects of psychological and emotional patterns fosters awareness and change as one comes to terms with one’s limits and potentials.

My work with patients and clients is conducted under the auspices of training at ISAPZurich and this encompasses the requirement to conduct the analysis under the supervision of recognised ISAP supervisors.