International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

The 2022 Zurich Lecture Series
Nancy Swift Furlotti, PhD

Due to health issues, Keiron Le Grice will not be the speaker at this year’s annual Zurich Lecture Series event. His lectures have been postponed to 2023. Instead, we are pleased to announce that Nancy Swift Furlotti has agreed to step in and will present four lectures on “The Lasting Relevance and Vision of Erich Neumann’s Work.” The lectures will take place as previously scheduled in the program.

The Lasting Relevance and Vision of Erich Neumann’s Work

Erich Neumann was a close friend and collaborator of C.G. Jung. Even though 30 years younger, he challenged Jung’s thinking on many occasions, pushing him to re-examine concepts and viewpoints regarding analytical psychology. In these lectures, I will begin with an introduction to Erich Neumann, looking at who this exceptional man was, his relationship with Jung, and his move from Berlin to Palestine before WWII. I will also explore a series of watercolors he painted after his move and during the war to get to know him more personally as well as witness his psychological struggles in his new homeland at a very turbulent time in history.

From there I will turn to examining the correspondence between Neumann and Jung, and then delve into Neumann’s early writings, focusing on his work on the stages of development of consciousness, considering the results when it is successful, and what the individual and cultural implications are when it is not successful. The seeds of all Neumann’s other writings and interests will be touched upon as well. These include: a new ethic and the nature of evil, the roots of Jewish consciousness, the brother motif, stages of consciousness, mythology, the Great Mother, development of the feminine, and the child. Neumann presented all his works with creative passion, extensive experience, and extensive knowledge, and they continue to be an important resource for the understanding of depth psychology. His writings are a deep well that we can revisit to nourish the creative sources of our own work as therapists and our lives as individuating human beings.

This program will be live at ISAP and live-streamed via Zoom. You can purchase Zoom attendance below on this page. See our Zoom Lectures page for more details.

Date & Venue

5–6 October, 2022 | Zurich, Switzerland

Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof

2022 ZLS Speaker

Nancy Swift Furlotti, PhD

Nancy Swift Furlotti, PhD is a Jungian Analyst living in Aspen, Colorado. She is a past president of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and a founding member and past president of the Philemon Foundation. She is a member of the C.G. Jung Institute of Colorado and the Interregional Association of Jungian Analysts. She is on the boards of Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA, the National Asian Museum in Washington, D.C. and the Mercurius Prize Committee. She has written numerous articles, edited a number of books, including with the late Erel Shalit, The Dream and Its Amplification. Dr. Furlotti lectures internationally on Jungian topics such as dreams, mythology, trauma, the feminine and the environment. Her recent book, The Splendor of the Maya: A Journey into the Shadows at the Dawn of Creation, will be published soon as part of the Fay Lectures. Her company, Recollections, LLC, edits and publishes first generation Jungian's unpublished writings, most recently Erich Neumann’s two volume manuscript, The Roots of Jewish Consciousness, published in English and Hebrew. She has a long history of interest in Erich Neumann’s works beginning in 2004 when at Philemon she and the then president, Steve Martin, were hoping to publish the correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann. It took years, but it has now been published.

Event Schedule

Wednesday, 5 October


Apéro & Opening



Thursday, 6 October




Light Lunch


Lecture and Discussion

Cost & Registration

Standard Attendance on Zoom: CHF 100
Seniors (65+) & Students on Zoom: CHF 70
Standard Attendance On-Site: CHF 165
Seniors (65+) & Students On-Site: CHF 125
ISAP Students Free - JITZ Sponsorship

Final Registration Deadline: September 28, 2022 or when number of on-site registrants reaches room capacity per Covid restrictions in place at that time, whichever comes first

About the Zurich Lecture Series

The ZLS was established in 2009 for the purpose of presenting annually a significant new work by a selected Jungian psychoanalyst or scholar who has previously offered innovative contributions to the field of Analytical Psychology by either: bringing analytical a psychology into meaningful dialogue with other scientific, artistic, and academic disciplines; showing how analytical psychology can lead to a better understanding of contemporary global concerns relating to the environment, politics, religion; or expanding the concepts of analytical psychology as they are applied clinically. For the Series the selected lecturer delivers lectures over a two-day period in Zürich based on a previously unpublished book-length work, which is then published by Chiron Publications.

Postlude to the Zurich Lecture Series 2022

You are invited to participate in a day of Postlude lectures following ZLS at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich.

Postlude Lectures

Friday, 7 October 2022


Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof


** The originally scheduled course by Galina Angelova has been cancelled and replaced with this one. **

Murray Stein, PhD
11 67 Lecture | Acts of Imagination: The Creation of the (Inner) World
In 2022, what is our Spirit of the Times? We live in a world of incredible inter-connectedness, yet without a spiritual center or a meaningful collective narrative that offers people guidance for their lives. Our time has been designated by the Polish philosopher Zygmund Bauman, “liquid modernity.” Everything is fluid, nothing quite stable. This induces anxiety and emotional regression to paranoid splitting. Witness the hot debates about gender designation among people today as an example. People have had to learn to swim in this fluidity, but mostly they are swimming in tight circles and without a sense of coherence of the whole. The guidance of a transcendent North Star is invisible to the naked eye. Where is our Virgil? Who or what will be our guide? Soul, where are you?

Our existential crisis is not only about the individual. It is also much more general. It is an issue for the entire human world. “Anima mundi, where are you?” would be our cry. Worldwide pandemic, genocidal wars, increasingly dire effects of climate change, economic insecurity, hunger, migration – these conditions affect everyone on the planet today. Is there a Spirit of the Depths around that can guide us through this Inferno, perhaps to the emergence of a meaningful narrative that can stabilize the global community and provide a sense of meaning? This is a question that will occupy us in this presentation as we reflect together on searching for Soul in the 21st Century.


Susanna Bucher Alther, Dr. sc. nat. ETH
01 29 Lecture | Nature and Mysticism: The “Divine Thou” and our Relationship to Inner and Outer Nature
The ecological transition, which is so urgently needed, calls for a fundamental shift in our worldview as well as in our identity. The realization that we are one with, not separate from, nature can be a mystical experience. How can mysticism itself inspire a new relationship with our inner and outer nature?


Fate and Destiny: A Jungian Perspective
11 30 Open Seminar | Panel: “Fate and Destiny: A Jungian Perspective”; Murray Stein, Moderator. Ann Li, Brigitte Egger, Ursula Wirtz, Bernard Sartorius as Panelists
A panel of analysts will discuss the themes of the ZLS speaker’s presentation on the relation of fate and destiny to individuation.

Per Lecture Fee
General Entry: CHF 30
Students, Seniors, Disabled: CHF 20

Gratis for ISAP Students and Analysts

ISAP Students will receive credit for on-site lecture attendance

For questions please contact
[email protected]


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