A Story of Dreams, Fate, and Destiny takes us into the inner world of imagination and image where the dream speaks the language of the psyche that reflects historical time and cosmic time. It is in the dream that one’s fate is revealed. This series of five lectures and his soon to be published book explores all aspects of the dream and of course, how fate was revealed and lived—how throughout history different cultures have understood their significance and meaning. From the very first written dream of Gilgamesh, to Ancient Greece and the Asklepion, Adam and Eve to Lilith and the shadow, Joseph in Egypt, Swedenborg’s visions, Freud’s first dreams, Jung’s perspective, and our world today—what science has to say about the dream. In his beautiful poetic language, Shalit weaves stories, history, etymology and dream work throughout this book, explaining many of Jung’s theories and concepts by giving many examples of dreams. The thread that runs throughout is the reality of fate as seen in each of these examples, and the choices made to live one’s destiny—a life well-lived or not.
Well-known Jungian psychoanalyst, author and lecturer, Erel Shalit, passed away in early 2018. His own prepared lectures on his posthumously published book, A Story of Dreams, Fate, and Destiny, will be presented by his collaborator and life partner, Nancy Swift Furlotti, for the Zurich Lecture Series in October 2020.
2–3 October, 2020 | Zurich, Switzerland
Friday, 2 October, 17:30–21:00: Reception, Lecture & Dinner
Zunfthaus zur Schmiden, Marktgasse 20, 8001 Zurich
Saturday, 3 October, 10:00–15:30: Lectures & Discussion
Lavaterhaus, St. Peterhofstatt 6, 8001 Zurich
Zunfthaus zur Schmiden
Marktgasse 20, 8001 Zurich
The opening lecture and dinner on Friday, October 2 will be held at the “Zunfthaus zur Schmiden” (Guild House for Blacksmiths), a beautiful city palace located since 1412 at Marktgasse 20, close to the Limmat River in the heart of old Zurich. The sumptuous late-Gothic Guildhall and the historic rooms with style, warm hospitality and tradition will make you feel welcome. It is a special privilege to celebrate the Zurich Lecture Series at this grand location.
Friday, 2 October, 17:30: Reception; 18:15: Lecture; 19:15–21:00: Three-Course Dinner.
Location: the historic Zunfthaus zur Schmiden, Marktgasse 20, 8001 Zürich.
St. Peterhofstatt 6, 8001 Zurich
More lectures will follow on Saturday, October 3 at Lavaterhaus, located near St. Peter's Church. Lavaterhaus at its core consists of two medieval buildings, probably constructed in the 13th century. In 1922 they were joined to form the parish hall St. Peter, and in 1959 the building was renovated to have fewer, larger rooms and given a new facade. In 2016 Lavaterhaus was further renovated and made available for public events and meetings. The house is named after Johann Kaspar Lavater (1741–1801), a good friend of Goethe's and whom Goethe visited several times at this location.
Saturday, 3 October, 10:00–12:00: Lecture and Discussion; 13:30–15:30: Lecture and Discussion.
Location: Lavaterhaus, St. Peterhofstatt 6, 8001 Zurich
Erel Shalit, Ph.D. was a Jungian psychoanalyst in Tel Aviv. He was born and raised in Sweden, emigrating to Israel after completing his studies. He was a past president of the Israeli Society of Analytical Psychology and founder and past director of the Jungian Analytical Psychotherapy Program at Bar Ilan University. Earlier in his career he was the director of the Shamai Davidson Community Mental Health Clinic, Shalvata Regional Psychiatric Center and was an officer in the IDF Medical Corps. He served as honorary secretary of the Ethics Committee of the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP) and was its liaison with the Bulgarian Jung Society. He lectured internationally and was a prolific writer. His books include, The Complex: Paths of Transformation from Archetype to Ego; The Hero and its Shadow: Psychopolitical Aspects of Myth and Reality in Israel; Enemy, Cripple, and Beggar; The Cycle of Life: Themes and Tales of the Journey; Requiem: A Tale of Exile and Return; The Human Soul (Lost) In Transition at the Dawn of a New Era. He edited, Jacob and Esau: On the Collective Symbolism of the Brother Motif, by Erich Neumann and co-edited, The Dream and its Amplification; Turbulent Times, Creative Mind; and The Roots of Jewish Consciousness, Vol. 1, Revelation and Apocalypse, and Vol. 2, Hasidism, by Erich Neumann.
Nancy Swift Furlotti, Ph.D. is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Aspen, Colorado. She is a past president of the Philemon Foundation and the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, where she trained. She is also a member of the C. G. Jung Institute of Colorado and the Interregional Association of Jungian Analysts. She is on the board of the Foundation for Anthropological Research & Environmental Studies (FARES), Pacifica Graduate Institute, Kairos Film Foundation, and the Mercurius Prize Committee. She has written numerous articles, papers and co-edited a number of books, including The Dream and its Amplification with Erel Shalit. The company that she founded with Erel Shalit, Recollections, LLC, edits and publishes first generation Jungian material. Most recently a remarkable manuscript of Erich Neumann’s, The Roots of Jewish Consciousness in two volumes was published. Furlotti’s interests include, dreams, mythology, the environment, and understanding the darker emanations of the psyche.
Friday evening lecture at the Zunfthaus zur Schmiden with reception and 3-course dinner (excluding beverages); two Saturday lectures (2 double hours) at Lavaterhaus, a copy of the ZLS 2020 book.
Attendance fee: 275 CHF
Attendance fee for ISAPZURICH students only: 115 CHF
Final Registration Deadline: 24 September, 2020
Evening lecture at the Zunfthaus zur Schmiden with reception and 3-course dinner (excluding beverages), and a copy of the ZLS 2020 book.
Attendance fee: 205 CHF
Attendance fee for ISAPZURICH students only: 95 CHF
2 Saturday lectures (2 double hours) and discussion at Lavaterhaus, and a copy of the ZLS 2020 book.
Attendance fee: 125 CHF
Attendance fee for ISAP students only: 65 CHF
The Zurich Lecture Series in Analytical Psychology was established in 2009 by the International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich (ISAPZURICH) and Spring Journal Books to present annually new work by a distinguished scholar who has previously offered innovative contributions to the field of Analytical Psychology by either:
Sunday, 4 October 2020 – Tuesday, 6 October 2020
You are invited to participate in three days of Postlude events following ZLS, which includes an Excursion on Sunday, 4 October, and lectures by ISAP analysts on Monday and Tuesday, 5 and 6 October, at the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich.
Sunday, 4 October, 9:15–17:30
Gather at the Red Cube Group Meeting Point at Zürich HB by 9:15
Maria Anna Bernasconi, integrating her extensive knowledge of Zurich’s history, sagas, and expressive arts will incarnate for us the legend of Hildegard and Berta’s siting and following of the stag—antlers lighted—in nearby forests of Uetliberg, a “trail” that culminated at the locus of Zurich’s Fraumuenster and prompted its construction.
From the forest trail above Uetliberg, we’ll stop along the way to honor, with small rituals, the stag siting and other legends, along with archaeological findings used for religious purposes, progressing to the Fraumuenster Crypt, by way of the Landesmuseum, Wasserkirche / Grossmuenster, and possibly too, Lindenhof. The excursion, starting out from Zurich’s HauptBahnhof at 9:15, is designed around the archetypal experience of rootedness, to the place where we are, as well as to sense of homeland or wherever we happen to live.
Please wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers.
The excursion fee of CHF 45.- (CHF 35.- for ISAP students / ISAP participants who have a half fare Abo) includes: round trip group travel; admission fees; and a coffee! Lunch is self-pay. Sign up and payment in cash will take place at the Zurich Lecture Series opening reception on Friday, 2 October.
For more information, contact [email protected] or [email protected], +41 (0)79 521 22 21 (English / German)
Monday, 5 October 2020 – Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof
Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.
The Origin of Consciousness as Told and Reflected in Early African Stories
Yuriko Sato, MD
Personal and Impersonal Dimensions in Psychotherapy: Considerations on the Jung-Hisamatsu Dialogue
Jody Schlatter, Dr. med.
How Wretched I Am: Sin, Betrayal and Failure in the Individuation of Julian of Norwich
Persona and Shadow in Politics
Panel discussion with Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH; Prof Allan Guggenbühl, Dr. Phil.; Evangelos Tsempelis, PhD; and Murray Stein, PhD, moderator
LECTURE FEE: CHF 30 General Entry; CHF 20 Seniors & Students
Gratis for ISAP Analysts & Students
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