The concept of the archetypes of the collective unconscious is the most central of Jung’s theories. To understand Jung you must understand his theory of the archetypes. I will present the basic theory as it developed over time and how it was interpreted by some of his principal followers.
We will explore archetypal images of wisdom in various cultures and the difference between becoming more knowledgeable and becoming wise.
The lecture presents three recent approaches to the topic of archetypes, which were presented and discussed in the context of the ISAP Research Circle in Autumn 2021.
The relationship between Jung and Freud was intense and ended in rupture. What happened?
Everything substantial casts a shadow. The psychological shadow is what the ego (or a culture) denigrates. The less conscious we are, the darker the shadow becomes, the more it opens a door to evil. Consciously facing the shadow increases our awareness, thus transforming dirt into fertilizer.
In today’s world of gender fluidity, can analytical psychology’s concept of the anima and animus archetypes provide a meaningful contribution? We will be considering this question primarily in relation to individuation and adult relationships.
Psychotherapy can be seen as an archetypical drama in which deeper motifs influence the process, sometimes helping us, sometimes leading us astray. In this lecture we will discuss how the archetypes may be directing our work without our full awareness.
The ecological transition, which is so urgently needed, calls for a fundamental shift in our worldview as well as in our identity. The realization that we are one with, not separate from, nature can be a mystical experience. How can mysticism itself inspire a new relationship with our inner and outer nature?
Jung wrote only one essay on the father, reflecting on his absence. The effects of this absence on the psyche will be examined through clinical examples, taking into consideration the negative complex, dreams, transference and countertransference as well as the French psychoanalyst André Green’s theory on absence.
Fairy tales portray the puer archetype prevalent in Western cultures. It is connected to the senex archetype, and both are aspects of the psychological development for leaving the family and accessing the self. This applies to all people. Jung said: “The archetype persists throughout the ages and requires interpreting anew”. CW 9i
In this course the theory and application of Mythodrama will be presented. After an introduction to the theory, students will have the opportunity to experience Mythodrama and learn about the technique.
15 Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
One simple brush stroke by a Zen painter can open up to a whole unknown universe and thus act as a “transforming node”. We amplify the node with mandalas - from nature (heart, tree, etc.) or geometry (double spiral, double cone); the node and its amplifications reconnect us to a vivifying wholeness and deeper knowledge.
Starting with the concept of the shadow and using the visual narrative structures of selected filmakers, we will be exploring how important psychological themes and archetypal patterns are presented through the eye of the camera.
The films will be shown at ISAP and will be followed by a discussion led by the presenters. We wish to provide the opportunity of the collective experience of viewing a film together followed by the chance to share ideas and impressions.
30 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
After a review of the history of the concept and the role played by the transcendent function, we will look at the cultural or collective complex, specifically around mobbing, also soldiers’ experience in war. The Quaker Meeting for Worship and synchronicity will be looked at as collective phenomena.
Using the fundamentals of Jungian dream theory and its related concepts, we will be examining the actual and experiential aspects of working with clients’ dreams as they are presented to us in the course of the analytical hour.
All participants are invited to actively participate in the process of the dream work we will be undertaking.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Animals speak to us in our dreams using perennial rhetorical strategies. Medieval bestiaries and fabulists of all ages help us unravel the tangled ways of the beasts that haunt our dreams.
11 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
Groups will write fairy tale interpretations to present in class. Required Reading: M.L. von Franz: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Fairy Tales, Max Lüthi: The European Folk Tale
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This course requires extra work between sessions.
The story of Prometheus provides a rich mythic narrative that has captured our imagination for over two millennia. Using this Greek myth, I explore the Promethean complex and the origins of our Promethean debt. I conclude with an exploration of how this complex affects our relationship with the natural world.
I will provide a collection of sources of the Promethean myth, including works from Hesiod, Plato, Ovid and Aeschylus.
Encounters between an analyst and a patient from different cultures bring up the whole history of cultural complexes. The unconscious impact finds expression in specific dynamics in the transference and in the activation of the Wounded Healer archetype.
Legends comment on a cultural development from the point of view of the collective unconscious. Therefore, I contend that legends are closer to reality than fairy tales and help us understand the meaning of outer events.
The lectures offer an overview of the hidden pathways of Germanic Mythology, within the context of Indo-European culture. I will be focusing on the Germanic Worldview and its cosmology. This repressed mythology has shaped essential elements of modernity.
We start with wide movements of the brush and try to let the picture guide us so that both conscious and unconscious elements can combine. Please bring your own brushes and paints (gouache only!). Premises: Atelier Ruth Bourgogne, Badenerstrasse 173, 8003 Zurich. Fee for room rental: CHF 45 (total).
This is an introduction to artwork in psychotherapy.
8 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
How to work with pictures in therapy will be discussed and illustrated with examples. Methodical aspects will be discussed.
10 Training and Diploma Candidates
The seminar serves as an introduction to the theory and practice of picture interpretation in therapy. How can pictures be included in the therapeutic work? What are the possibilities and the dangers? The seminar will include practical exercises.
15 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
We will look at the art works of some Art Brut/Outsider artists, discussing their lives and personalities. We will examine how their art expresses their suffering and the existential meaning it had in their psychological process.
What bodily experiences and feelings may these pictorial images be pointing towards?
Attendance of lecture on Art Brut is recommended. Premises: Collection de l’Art Brut, 11 av. des Bergères, 1004 Lausanne. Participants are required to register by November 19, 2022 at [email protected]. Train schedule information will be provided upon registration.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
CIPBS (Conflict, Imagination, Painting and Bilateral Stimulation) is a creative technique developed by C. Diegelmann, for gentle conflict or trauma processing. A stressful situation is transformed into a symbolic form and processed with the help of the unconscious and the use of tapping.
In this seminar we will learn this technique and have the opportunity to practice it in small groups.
This creative tool can easily be integrated into an analytical process.
10 Training and Diploma Candidates
Three conferences in 2016, 2018, and 2022 brought a small group from each of these schools together to build an ongoing collegial relationship. The goal: closer cooperation, mutual respect and cross referrals between these two healing modalities.
** This course has been cancelled. **
Through looking at the Greek Myth of mutilated Philomela and her transformation this lecture explores connecting with the dark feminine and using one’s own voice in the redemption of trauma.
What do shamanic initiation and the individuation process of the analyst (as a modern shaman) have in common? Through an examination of Siberian shamanism, I invite you to explore how both shamanic and modern initiation require one to die in order to grow spiritually and to reach greater consciousness.
Analytical psychology can be understood as a result of Jung’s “working through” his own Christian faith and tradition. This lecture examines Jung’s wrestling with Christianity, his rendering of imitatio Christi and asks if Jung’s psychology is an attempt to reform or transcend Christianity.
** This course has been cancelled and replaced by 11 67. **
We will look closely at the ritual of baptism, its component elements and their symbolic meaning, seen in the context of other rituals of initiation. Today the themes and archetypal motifs manifest in a different form. We will use examples from Biblical texts, fairy tales and poetry.
This talk suggests that non-dual gnosis can give us insight into deeper structures of consciousness in which head and heart come together, pointing to an overall participatory approach beyond the dichotomy of subject and object.
Jung described all symbolic contents as driven by psychic energy. Too often we value the images more than their energetic basis. This course will explore how psychization leads to the formation of internal mental structures (complexes) and influences all symbolic activity of the psyche.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
This seminar is intended to help students who will be presenting their Word Association Experiments later this semester. We will review the steps involved in evaluating the data, working with an Excel sheet, and grouping the material into complexes.
Diploma Candidates
Students must have attended an introductory seminar and administered the WAE. A draft of the WAE report is to be submitted to the course leaders and fellow participants by 1.10.22.
Studierende, die das A.E. Seminar auf Deutsch absolvieren möchten, mögen sich bitte melden bei Katharina Casanova, [email protected]
Diploma Candidates
How do we come to understand gender? Recent evidence suggests that it is not a given of biological determinism - unless, that is, we want to continue to pathologize an entire subset of the human population. And, if we do pathologize, do we absolve culture of its role?
Meeting traumatized children at the Children House in Bergen Police District has given me a unique insight into their horror of trauma and dissociation. I will share a clinically rich and comprehensive overview of the trauma treatment and crisis intervention given. I will also bring in the deep experience of love, healing and playful approaches to serious problems in therapy, such as dreamwork, active imagination, drawings and sandplay.
ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
How does personal myth speak to individuation and living the symbolic life? This experiential seminar is designed to create a temenos to enable us to track our psychic transformation. Working experientially, we deepen our relationship to the unconscious. This last workshop focuses on Elderhood.
Attendance at previous seminars in this series is required.
9 Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Historically, for the most part, people studying analytical psychology have eschewed psychoanalysis, and vice versa. Freudian psychoanalysts not only have rejected studying Jung, but have held biased beliefs born out of a propaganda campaign that began immediately upon the split between the two men.
Beginning with a brief overview of the classifications of diseases, the course will focus on Personality Disorders, primarily as they are depicted in ICD-10 and 11. A comparison with the DSM-5 will be included.
15 Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
The trauma brain suffers from memories. We will explore limbic oriented approaches and the neurology of flashbacks, how intergenerational trauma is passed on through DNA, and how to rewire and reintegrate the brain following trauma. Case examples will illustrate the use of the “Trauma Theater.”
Introduction to the AMDP. Recognising, exploring, naming, understanding, and documenting psychopathological symptoms. The seminar is a preparation for the Propaedeuticum Exam “Fundamentals of Psychiatry and Psychopathology”.
Training and Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Einführung in AMDP. Erkennen, Explorieren, Benennen, Verstehen und Dokumentieren von psychopathologischen Symptomen. Das Seminar dient der Vorbereitung auf die Propädeutikumsprüfung “Grundlagen der Psychiatrie und Psychopathologie”
Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidat/innen
Dieser Kurs erfordert zusätzliche Arbeit zwischen den Unterrichtsstunden.
Some archetypes express themselves through typical situations and places as archetypes of transformation. We will explore the “alchemical water region” from the perspective of Daoist alchemy and examine how this phenomenon can reveal itself in dreams in the course of the individuation process.
We will reflect on conscious embodiment and the alchemical process as illustrated in a contemporary painter’s individuation journey. We travel from life’s earliest beginnings through the stages of growth, death, dismemberment, despair and new life as these steps are reshaped by transformative elements.
The mandala is the foremost archetypal image of wholeness. In this course I explore the manifold forms of the mandala and how they may help us heal our split with both our inner and outer worlds. I also explore how emergent mandalas, rooted in the ‘new’ sciences, facilitate the creation of a more meaningful life.
Reading Material: “Intimations of the Self: Jung’s Mandala Sketches for the Red Book”, The Art of C.G. Jung, ed. The Foundation of the Works of C.G. Jung
“A Study in the Process of Individuation”, C.G. Jung, in CW 9i The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious “Concerning Mandala Symbolism”, C.G. Jung, in CW 9i The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
A panel of analysts will discuss the themes of the ZLS speaker’s presentation on the relation of fate and destiny to individuation.
We live in a world full of opportunities, but also full of uncertainties. How can we live here without repeating the failures of previous generations? Jung suggested that a radical acceptance of limitations can enhance the freedom to choose between good and evil.
How do we find the courage to discover our own shadow, to integrate and heal hidden, wounded and dissociated parts of self? What helps us to grow emotionally, find our own path, display compassion for ourselves and others, and live an authentic life?
This weekend seminar provides an opportunity to explore various modes of active imagination through which we may encounter unprocessed affects, seek healing insights, and nurture creative energy. Participants are asked to bring lunch and contribute CHF15 for art materials.
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
This experiential seminar is an introduction to the I Ching. It would be useful for participants to read the introductory chapter of the Eranos I Ching; the book is available in the ISAP library.
8 Training and Diploma Candidates
Reflections on how evolutionary theories influence the concept of Individuation in the East and West.
In this course I shall reflect on Jung’s classical concept of individuation, speaking of my own process and concentrating on a vision of Hildegard von Bingen.
In diesem Vortrag reflektiere ich weibliche Individuation. Ich beziehe Aspekte meines persönlichen Prozesses mit ein, reflektiere Jungs klassisches Individuationskonzept und konzentriere mich auf eine Vision von Hildegard von Bingen.
** The originally scheduled course by Galina Angelova has been cancelled and replaced with this one. **
In 2022, what is our Spirit of the Times? We live in a world of incredible inter-connectedness, yet without a spiritual center or a meaningful collective narrative that offers people guidance for their lives. Our time has been designated by the Polish philosopher Zygmund Bauman, “liquid modernity.” Everything is fluid, nothing quite stable. This induces anxiety and emotional regression to paranoid splitting. Witness the hot debates about gender designation among people today as an example. People have had to learn to swim in this fluidity, but mostly they are swimming in tight circles and without a sense of coherence of the whole. The guidance of a transcendent North Star is invisible to the naked eye. Where is our Virgil? Who or what will be our guide? Soul, where are you?
Our existential crisis is not only about the individual. It is also much more general. It is an issue for the entire human world. “Anima mundi, where are you?” would be our cry. Worldwide pandemic, genocidal wars, increasingly dire effects of climate change, economic insecurity, hunger, migration – these conditions affect everyone on the planet today. Is there a Spirit of the Depths around that can guide us through this Inferno, perhaps to the emergence of a meaningful narrative that can stabilize the global community and provide a sense of meaning? This is a question that will occupy us in this presentation as we reflect together on searching for Soul in the 21st Century.
The seminar is open to all ISAP candidates, including those who have previously attended. The aim is to give candidates the tools to create the trustful atmosphere necessary for in-depth work and to avoid potential problems. A theoretical introduction will be followed by role play.
20 Training and Diploma Candidates
What does our narcissism have to do with the shadow within us? The shadow contains the uncomfortable, unaccepted sides in us; confronting the shadow is a difficult process when working with patients. To compensate for the shadow we may develop negative narcissism.
For Diploma Candidates only. Registration and payment directly with colloquium leader. At least four registrations are required for a colloquium to take place. Colloquia are not shown in the calendar as timing is either unspecified or subject to change. Any changes are the responsibility of the colloquium leader.
Nur für Diplomkandidat/innen. Anmeldung und Bezahlung direkt bei der Kolloquiumsleitung. Mindestens vier Anmeldungen sind erforderlich, damit ein Kolloquium stattfinden kann. Kolloquien werden nicht im Kalender aufgeführt, da die genauenTermine noch offen bzw. Änderungen vorbehalten sind. Alle Änderungen unterliegen der Verantwortung der Kolloquiumsleitung.
Weekly meetings at ISAP to be arranged at the first meeting.
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
This case colloquium will look not only at the content, but also at the interactional and psychodynamic aspects of transference and counter-transference. Diploma candidates will be expected to present case material on the subject of the transference.
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115
Registration: [email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
The participants will be invited to experience the Balint intervision method.
Location: Steinbrüchelstrasse 64, 8053 Zürich
Registration: [email protected]
8 Diploma Candidates
We will compare different aspects of the ubiquitous mother complex in case material, trying to go beyond the personal mother to glimpse the archetypal influences being manifested and their implications for the transference.
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
Dreams can guide the course of the treatment. We will practice using them for diagnosis and to assess progress.
Location: Paulstrasse 6, 8400 Winterthur
Registration: [email protected]
4 Diploma Candidates
Colloquium on the transference.
Location: Rietstrasse 3, 8712 Stäfa
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
Location: ISAPZURICH, Stampfenbachstrasse 115
Registration: [email protected]
6 Diploma Candidates
Case colloquium with emphasis on psychopathology, psychiatric cases, according to the candidates’ wishes.
Location: Ottenweg 11, 8008 Zürich
Registration: [email protected]
Diploma Candidates
This course requires extra work between sessions.
Fallkolloquium mit Schwerpunkt auf Psychopathologie, psychiatrische Fälle, entsprechend der Wünsche der Kandidat/innen
Dieser Kurs erfordert zusätzliche Arbeit zwischen den Unterrichtsstunden.
See the Training Regulations for the detailed provisions: Candidates have the possibility to count a minimum of 20 hours and maximum 30 hours of separate and parallel expressive therapy toward their regular training analysis, provided that both the Training Analyst and the analyst for expressive therapy are informed. All credited hours must be completed with only one of the analysts and with one type of expressive therapy, as listed below. Expressive Therapy courses are not shown in the calendar as timing is either unspecified or subject to change. Any changes are the responsibility of the Expressive Therapy leader.
Für die detaillierten Bestimmungen siehe das Ausbildungsregulativ Kandidat/innen können sich minimal 20 bis maximal 30 Stunden separater und paralleler Ausdruckstherapie auf die reguläre Lehranalyse anrechnen lassen, vorausgesetzt dass sowohl der/die Lehranalytiker/in als auch der/die Analytiker/in für Ausdruckstherapie informiert sind. Alle angerechneten Stunden dürfen nur bei einem/r der unten aufgeführten Analytiker/innen und Therapieformen absolviert werden. Kurse in Ausdruckstherapie werden nicht im Kalender aufgeführt, da die genauen Termine noch offen bzw. Änderungen vorbehalten sind. Alle Änderungen unterliegen der Verantwortung der Ausdruckstherapie-Leitung.
Students will have the opportunity to practice this work with small objects, which allows for an emotionally and resource oriented approach to the unconscious. Emphasis will be made on using this technique in your practice. Attendance at the seminar (Spring 2022) is required.
This weekend counts for 10 analytical hours in expressive therapy. At the beginning of the semester the participants will decide together which weekend best suits all.
Location: Freiestrasse 120, 8032 Zurich
Registration: [email protected]
8 ISAP Students (MA, TC, DC)
Maria Anna Bernasconi
Expressive Arts Therapy (ISIS)
Kunst- und Ausdrucksorientierte Psychotherapie (ISIS)
Marco Della Chiesa
John Hill
Fairy Tale Enactment, Psychodrama
Märcheninszenierung, Psychodrama
Verena Osterwalder-Bollag
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Christa Robinson
Group Processes Using the I Ching
Gruppenprozesse mit dem I Ging
Erhard Trittibach
Therapeutic Sandplay (D. Kalff)
Therapeutisches Sandspiel nach D. Kalff
Joanne Wieland-Burston
Active Imagining with Objects
Aktives Imaginieren mit Gegenständen