International School of Analytical Psychology Zurich

C.G. Jung 61st Memorial Day / 61. Gedenktag

Live on Zoom!


Lecture & Apéro
Vortrag & Apéro

Marianne Meister-Notter, Dr. phil. Reflections on the fruitful connection between Jung’s typology and its older sister, astrology.

The dramatic dynamics of attraction and crisis between an extraverted woman and an introverted man. The mediation of opposites is made possible by Jung's four functions or the four elements in astrology, which is impressively visible in the two birth charts.

Vortrag in englischer Sprache • schriftliche Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch
This event will be on-site at ISAPZURICH and broadcast live on Zoom.
Registration required!
Anmeldung ist erforderlich!

Date & Venue / Datum und Ort

Tuesday, 7 June 2022 / Dienstag, 7. Juni 2022

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Stampfenbachstr. 115, 8006 Zürich
Tram 11 or 14 to Beckenhof

Cost & Registration / Preis und Anmeldung

Entry gratis / Eintritt frei


C.G. Jung-Institut Zürich, Küsnacht
Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie Zürich - ISAPZURICH


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CG Jung Memorial 2022 Flyer pdf 0644 2022021403355714-Feb-2022 03:35 2022021403112514-Feb-2022 03:11 158 KB Preview Download