Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie


Dariane Pictet

[email protected]

Le Revers 23
1659 Rougemont


Dariane was born in Geneva, Switzerland. She attended Drama School in Paris, worked as a Poetry Editor and trained as a Psychotherapist. She worked in a primary care setting for three years (SHARP) as an addiction counsellor. She was in private practice in London for over twenty years. In addition, she lectures internationally and supervises therapists in training. Her interests include, yoga, meditation, Eastern philosophy and consciousness studies.

B.A. in Comparative Religion, Barnard College, Columbia University.
Diploma of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.
Advanced Diploma in Existential Psychotherapy, Regent’s University, in London.
Leadership Training of the Marion Woodman Foundation.

Professional Organizations
Training and supervising analyst, and lecturer at ISAPZURICH in Switzerland.
Training analyst, seminar leader and supervisor at GAP, in London.
She lectures regularly at the Jung Analytical Club of London, leads seminars for the Guild of Analytical Psychology in London and internationally.
Member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)
Member of the International School of Analytical Psychology (ISAPZURICH).
Member of the Guild of Analytical Psychology (GAP)
Former Member of the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists (IGAP).
Former Executive Officer of the Association of Graduates in Analytical Psychology (AGAP).
Former Trustee of the Guild of Analytical Psychologists (GAP).
Former Visiting Faculty at Regent's University School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (RUSPC).

Languages Spoken
French / English

Treatment Types
Adults - Zoom

Psychology and Religion, Spirituality, Mythology, Dreams, Fairy Tale, BodySoul Workshops

Lectures and Publications
Movements of Soul in the Red Book, in Jung’s Red Book For Our Time, .vol. 1, Chiron Publications
Silence in Christian Mysticism, in Echoes of Silence, Jungian Odyssey Series Vol VI, Springjournalbooks
Compassion in Buddhism in Love, Jungian Odyssey Series Vol. V, Springjournalbooks
Kali - The Protective Mother and The Destroyer in Destruction and Creation, Jungian Odyssey Series Vol. II, Springjournalbooks
Rumi- Poet of the Heart, in Intimacy, Jungian Odyssey Series Vol.I, Springjournalbooks
An Inquiry Into Primordial Beginnings 1, Journal of Existential Analysis, Vol, XII
The Language of Embodiment, Journal of Existential Analysis, Vol XI
Its Her Voice That Haunts Me Now Poems from the Literary Review
A Burning Candle, The Literary Review’s Anthology of Poetry